This track is part of Te Araroa Trail.
Fern Burn carpark to Fern Burn Hut
Time: 3 - 4 hr, 7 km
The track meanders gently along the true right of the Fern Burn through riparian shrubland and grassy flats before climbing into a forest of mountain, silver and red beech. At this point the Fern Burn narrows and cascades and waterfalls become a feature. The track briefly enters the 4,144 ha Stack Conservation Area, which has other access points from the Spotts Creek and Roys Peak tracks.
It is possible for experienced parties to negotiate the conservation area and use these routes. The Motatapu Track continues to the bush edge and then on to upland tussock country and the 12-bunk Fern Burn Hut.
Fern Burn Hut to Highland Creek Hut
Time 3 – 5 hr, 6 km
This leg is more arduous. It continues along the Upper Fern Burn through tussock country before reaching 1,275-metre Jack Hall’s Saddle – it and the nearby creek were named after a local shepherd. Then there's a steep descent into a creek bed, before traversing another two ridges descending to Highland Creek, The 12-bunk hut of the same name nestles in this spectacular upland basin.
Highland Creek Hut to Roses Hut
Time: 6 – 8 hr, 11 km
After crossing Highland Creek the marked track sidles and climbs above an unnamed creek onto a prominent spur. It continues up this spur before sidling along a steep tussock face; stunning views across the Motatapu Valley are a highlight of this section. The track then drops into a small gully and crosses the creek through a small patch of beech forest, then climbs out onto the leading south-west ridge off Knuckle Peak. Follow down this ridge to the Motatapu River. The 12-bunk Roses Hut is an easy tramp across the open flats.
Roses Hut to Macetown
Time: 4 – 6 hr, 10 km
Cross the small creek to the old pack track that climbs the main ridge above 1,270 m Roses Saddle. At the crossover point between the Motatapu and Arrow catchments, the ridge descends to the Arrow River. During low and normal river levels, it’s quicker following the river to Macetown. This way you pass old gold workings, especially hand-stacked, stone walls. If the river is high or discoloured, follow the track that sidles above the river before joining an old water race that leads to Macetown, passing several small dams and other gold mining relics. Find out about historic Macetown.
Macetown to Arrowtown
Time: 3 - 4 hr, 15 km
From Macetown, a 15 km 4WD road winds its way to Arrowtown. In good conditions, the numerous river crossings may be negotiated by 4WD vehicles or trampers with care. If the river is too high then you are advised to wait.
An alternative route via Big Hill Track (4-5 hrs) starts from the 4WD road 20 minutes from Macetown. Although this route avoids some of the larger river crossings, it climbs above 1000 m and is not recommended in adverse weather. In fine conditions, it repays the effort with views over the Wakatipu Basin and beyond.
Take care when driving the 4WD track as areas can deteriorate after rains and winter causing slips and landslides.
Track profile
Slope on this diagram is exaggerated due to scale restrictions.