Image: Tasha Oxford | Creative Commons
Hauturu Highpoint Track.
Hauturu Highpoint Track

Located in Waima & Mataraua Forests in the Northland region

Climb onto a razor back ridge in the Waima Ranges for sensational views and pristine vegetation.

The climb up Hauturu (679 m) is steep and slippery when wet but the views you can get at the top are worth the climb. Note, reaching the trig requires a short detour off the main track - allow extra time.

The track starts at the top of the Waiotemarama Waterfall Walk. It connects with the Waima Main Range Track.

The track starts at the top of the Waiotemarama Waterfall Walk which is signposted off Waiotemarama Gorge Road.

The track passes through a range of landscapes and forest types including a great variety of hardwoods such as tawa and towai; some podocarps such as tōtara and miro are also present. At the edge of the viewpoint at the top of the track, botanists may be interested in an Oleania spp. that is restricted to this area.