Image: Haydn Curtis
Waiotemarama Falls.
Waima & Mataraua Forests

Located in the Northland region

Walk to a stunning waterfall or on to the summit Hauturu. Stay at Frampton's Hut, an hour from the road end.

Access the forest from several points off SH12.

Wasps - There are high numbers of wasps particularly between January and April. Consider carrying an antihistamine product and if you are allergic to their stings ensure you take your medication.

The Waipoua/Waima/Matarau forest is the largest intact area of high altitude, kauri, and coastal forest associations in Northland. It spans a full altitudinal sequence from the coast to the highest points in Northland (Te Raupua 781 metres, Ngapukehau 762 metres and Mt Misery 728 metres).

The cold, high bluffs of Waima Forest are home to rare woody plants found nowhere else, including karamu (Coprosma waima), a tree daisy (Olearia crebra) and a recently discovered tree – Turoa onamata (Ackama nubicola). These plants, thought to be relics of a past ice age, are eaten by possums (and other browsers), though they have benefited from sustained possum control since 1995