The island has had a history of early settlement that included land clearance as its main priority for cultivation then farming. Fire was used to control the spread of re-vegetation
A survey of the island identified 70 archaeological sites that include 14 pa and 36 pit and terrace complexes. These features suggest that the island was inhabited by a relatively large population, before Europeans arrived.
Human history
Prior to European arrival, the Māori inhabitants utilised the Cavalli’s rich and diverse range of economic resources including fisheries and the extensive grey faced petrel colonies (muttonbirds) located on most of the islands.
The presence of storage pits, modified soils and remnant taro on Motukawanui indicates that much of island was being cultivated by Māori in the prehistoric period.
Evidence for the large populations on the Cavalli’s also comes from Captain Cook's visit here in 1769 “during this time several canoes came off to the ship and two or three of them sold us some fish, Cavelles they were named, which occasioned my giving the island the same name”. It is assumed that the fish that were traded with Cook were Trevally, but the name Cavalli’s has remained.
Some time after European settlement the permanent occupation of Motukawanui ended.
In the late 1800s, the island was almost completely cleared for farming. The ruins of the farmer's hut still remain in Papatara Bay. The hut was once used as island accommodation but today there is a new hut located in Wai-iti Bay.
The island was farmed up until 1974, and in 1987 it was purchased by the Maritime and Historic Park Board. Today it is under the care of the Department of Conservation.
The Story of the Bay of Islands Maritime and Historic Park. 1989. Department of Conservation.