Karikari Peninsula



Karikari Peninsula is renowned for its amazing white sandy beaches and bays such as popular Maitai Bay. Other attractions include historical Puwheke Beach, Karikari Beach and picturesque Waikato Bay.

Find things to do and places to stay Karikari Peninsula

In Maitai Bay there's local bird life such as the variable oystercatcher and the New Zealand dotterel who frequent the shores during breeding season, late August to early March. If you see them or their nests, give them space and let other visitors know, so the birds are not disturbed.

Check, Clean, Dry

Clean all gear when moving between waterways to prevent the spread of didymo and other freshwater pests.

How to check, clean, dry your gear.

Stop kauri disease and protect kauri

  • Scrub all soil off shoes and gear.
  • Use cleaning stations.
  • Always stay on the track.

How you can help save kauri


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Phone 0800 275 362
Email kaitaia@doc.govt.nz
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