Post-earthquake and flood debris makes this rewarding tramp a real challenge. Sturdy boots and experience at backcountry route-finding are recommended.
Grange Road to Hapuku Hut (4 hr)
Heading upstream from the roadside, make your way up the unmarked braided riverbed for the first 2 hours until you start to enter the narrowing deep Hapuku Gorge. At this point look for the track entry point on the true right taking you through mature bush around the gorge.
The track has been re-routed around a slip to provide safer travel. The track drops down into the river again and earthquake damage is evident with some rock fall sections and several river crossings on the way to the hut which is situated on the true right.
Hapuku Hut to Kowhai Hut (6 hr)
Leaving the Hapuku Hut, the track crosses to the true left and follows the river through sections of mature bush and tōtara up to the bush edge where marker poles lead up largely open scree to the saddle which at 1153 m, the highest point of the tramp.
Care is advised over this section as weather conditions can change quickly. From the saddle, the track descends a semi open creek of rock, tussock and hebe scrub. Follow the marker poles to an entry point on the true left where the track descends quickly through a mixture of scrub and mountain tōtara and very rough creek bed until you meet the true Kowhai River which you cross to the true right, the hut is then a short distance further on.
This section from the saddle down to the Kowhai Hut is the most challenging.
Kowhai Hut to Mt Fyffe car park (3 hr)
After leaving the hut the track crosses to the true left and is markedly different to the terrain above the hut, sections have suffered flood damage, but entry markers lead along a relatively flat track through mānuka to the junction of the Spaniard Spur Track. From here, the track is largely unmarked as you follow the braided river out through patches of buddleia to the Mt Fyffe car park.