Ferny Gair Conservation Area is south of Blenheim.
There is only limited access available, most of it through private land. Be advised that landowners are not required to provide access.
Access points
South side via the Awatere Valley Road
Walking and mountain bike access is available into Black Birch Scenic Reserve off Awatere Valley Road. A small area for car parking is available just east of Black Birch Stream. From here, the marked track crosses private land to access the reserve. Hunters, on foot, may use this access. Dogs must have a permit and be on a lead while crossing this private land.
Walking and mountain bike access up Black Birch Road is open.
Off-road vehicle access
Off road vehicle access is restricted to Black Birch Road 4WD track. Vehicles are to stay on the track at all times. The track crosses private property prior to reaching conservation land. Be considerate.
You don't currently need to register for motor vehicle access to Ferny Gair Conservation Area/Black Birch Reserve.
Public vehicle access is generally unrestricted but can be closed at any time due to safety risks, bad weather, and forestry operations and threats to conservation or track.
North side
Ferny Gair can be accessed via the Avon valley by obtaining permission to cross private land. Contact Bernard and Jo Mason phone +64 3 572 4803. (Access is closed late winter/ early spring due to farming activities.) If permission is granted a key can be obtained from the Masons for a small donation.
From Avondale Road a 4WD track for 6 km through private property will take you to the Ferny Gair Conservation Area Boundary. From here a 2 hr 30 min walk on a marked track up the Tummil River takes you to Lake Alexander.
No dogs are permitted through this private property due to risk of sheep measles.
Helicopter access
Some areas are not accessible by road or track. Helicopter operators must have a landing concession.
Code of conduct
- Close the gate after you.
- Stay on the 4WD tracks and do not block accessways when parking.
- Respect private property.
- No hunting allowed.
- Abide by the New Zealand transport laws and regulations covering all vehicles and drivers (eg, all drivers are licenced, all vehicles warranted and registered).
- Ensure your vehicle is free of any weeds and plant or animal matter before entering this area.
Shared-use track code of conduct
These are shared-use tracks; walkers, mountain bikers and horse riders will also be on them.
- Be prepared for the unexpected.
- Drive at a speed that enables you to stop if a hazard arises.
- Approach a blind corner no faster than walking speed as other users may be just around the corner.
- Give way to walkers, horses and mountain bikes.
- Give way to uphill traffic if travelling downhill.
Your help is needed to make this work
The success of this system relies on 4WD users following the vehicle code of conduct. Any damage caused by vehicles not following the code could result in the whole area being closed off to vehicles in the future.
Report any vehicles observed not following the formed vehicle track or not adhering to the code of conduct. Note date, place, vehicle registration, any other details and photograph if possible.
The Black Birch Stream catchment provides the water supply for the Awatere Valley and Seddon township. You must ensure toilet waste is buried at least 50 m from any waterway.
Hunters should dispose of all animal remains at least 50 m from any waterway.
Whakatū/Nelson Visitor Centre
Phone: | +64 3 546 9339 |
Email: | nelsonvc@doc.govt.nz |
Address: | Millers Acre/Taha o te Awa 1/37 Halifax Street Nelson 7010 |
Hours: | Visitor centre hours and services |