This is a low level forest walking track following an old route where logs were once hauled to Yeoman’s Mill. The mill started in 1926 and ran for 30 years. It handled over 50 million feet of podocarp logs and at the height of its production employed 18 staff. The track gives an interesting insight into forest regeneration since logging ceased in the 1960’s.
The restored historic Ellis Hut is at the northern end of the track. It was constructed in 1884 and is the oldest surviving hut in the park. It is also known as Murderer’s Hut after it was used as a refuge by accused murderer, Jack Ellis, for nine months in 1904. A round trip can be made along Ellis and Wakarara Roads back to the road end at Makaroro River.
If you are biking the Yeoman's Track, it is easier to ride from the Ellis Hut end. It is grade 3, suitable for experienced riders.