Fulcher's Cottage in the Ruahine Forest Park is a three-roomed cottage with a covered porch. It was built of timber felled from the surrounding bush and cut and split by hand. The roof was partially clad with malthoid and sheets of flattened tin. The walls were lined with newspapers - some dating back to 1930's. The fire had an iron chimney. The cottage is managed by the Hawke's Bay Area Office.
George Fulcher built this hut in 1931. He and his family, a wife and two daughters lived there for three years. Even by the 1930s prospective farmers were still trying to break in difficult back country blocks allocated by the Government and the Fulchers were typical of these late pioneers. They may have been driven there by the circumstances of the depression. In January 1983 George aged (85), daughter Ngaire and husband, 3 sons and 1 daughter-in-law stayed in the hut for 4 days.
The whare was destroyed by fire in 1996.
Fabric significance
This was a late but authentic example of primitive building. Fulcher built a house in extremely difficult circumstances using the materials around him.
Historic significance
This building was a reminder of just how late the "pioneering" spirit survived in New Zealand. The Fulchers were just one of a number of families that continued to try and make a living from marginal land in what were difficult times.
Site quality
Situated most attractively in a grassy paddock in front of regenerating forest.
Future use
Hunting, tramping
Future management
No future management is required.
A conservation plan has been prepared (Cochran 1995).