A’Deanes Bush Walk

Located in Central Hawke's Bay reserves in the Hawke’s Bay region

Take a walk through A’Deanes Bush Scenic Reserve in beautiful native forest dominated by mataī and kahikatea as well as a large tōtara tree. The reserve is on a flat river terrace.

A’Deanes Bush is the best remaining example of the original forest of the Ruataniwha Plains. The 38.5 ha scenic reserve, dominated by mataī and kahikatea, is situated on a flat river terrace.

A large tōtara tree, about 34 m high, is the focal point of this track that begins at the reserve entrance. It takes at least 7 people to encircle its trunk with their arms. The track passes through the forest to the Tukipo River.

If you’re visiting on dusk, watch out for long-tailed bats as they emerge to feed.

Off SH 50 south of Ongaonga. Access off Makaretu Road, 1 km past Sherwood School.