Boundary Stream area
Image: Shellie Evans | ©



Discover the best bird song in Hawke’s Bay, unique limestone rock features and stunning views. Boundary Stream Mainland Island has extensive predator control , supporting a range of species such kiwi, kōkako and kākā.

Find things to do and places to stay Boundary Stream area

Bring your binoculars and dress "quietly" to avoid rustling and you'll see and hear a wide range of New Zealand native wildlife, including North Island brown kiwi, kākā, kōkako, NZ falcon, kererū, rifleman, North Island robin, tūī, bellbird, whitehead, tomtit, grey warbler, shining and longtailed cuckoo.

You can kayak on picturesque Lake Opouahi.

There are picnic tables in all three scenic reserves that make up this area.


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