Visitor Centre to Upukerora River Track

Located in Fiordland National Park and Lake Te Anau area in the Fiordland region

This easy track leads alongside the Te Anau lakefront to where the Upukerora River flows into the lake. It's great for families and a range of activities.

From the Visitor Centre, follow the Te Anau lakeshore toward the main shopping centre. Continue along the footpath to the boat harbour at Bluegum Point (30 min).

For a longer trip (3 hr return) continue round the lakefront and past the rodeo grounds to the mouth of the Upukerora River.

Return either the same way, or follow the gravel road alongside the river to the Te Anau - Milford Highway and back into town.Be careful as cars travel quickly on this road.

This walk offers beautiful views across Lake Te Anau to the Murchison Mountains and Fiordland National Park.

As this track is not in the Fiordland National Park, you can ride your bike or walk dogs here, and it is great for family activities.

This walk starts from the Fiordland National Park Visitor Centre on Lakefront Drive, Te Anau.