Due to the threat of Didymosphenia geminata, and other water pests, pursuant to Section 26ZL of the Conservation Act 1987, the Director General of Conservation hereby imposes restrictions and conditions on sports fishing in certain rivers of Fiordland National Park.
All rivers and lakes of the Fiordland National Park other than exclusions listed below.
These rivers and their respective tributaries are excluded:
Note: The Monowai River and the Upper Waiau River are outside Fiordland National Park and are excluded from restrictions and conditions of this notice.
These lakes are excluded:
1. Duration of restrictions and conditions
The restrictions and conditions commence on 1 November 2023 and expire 31 October 2024.
2. Season
The fishing season for those rivers not draining to the Tasman Sea commences on 1 November 2023 and ends on 31 May 2024.
Those rivers draining to the Tasman Sea are open all year.
3. Conditions
(i) All persons fishing in the waters specified in this notice must clean their fishing gear (including but not limited to fishing rod, reel and line, lures, footwear and landing nets) and obtain a certificate from an “approved cleaning station” (listed at the foot of this notice) certifying that the gear has been cleaned no more than 48 hours before each Fiordland fishing trip.
(ii) Only persons holding a current sports fishing licence are eligible to obtain the Clean Gear Certificate.
(iii) Approved didymo cleaning kits must be produced before persons are eligible to obtain the Clean Gear Certificate. The cleaning kit must include; a container capable of effectively soaking fishing gear between different rivers and different reaches of rivers, spray bottle and cleaning solution.
(iv) Any such certificate that states the gear has been cleaned is valid only for the duration of the trip specified and the waters specified in the certificate.
(v) Any such certificate must be carried for the duration of the trip specified in the certificate.
(vi) Approved cleaning stations are listed at the foot of this notice.
(vii) Felt-soled waders or footwear incorporating or having attached a sole of felted, matted or woven fibrous material are not permitted in Fiordland National Park.
(viii) It is an offence to breach any of the restrictions or conditions imposed by this notice and offenders may be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000.
Department of Conservation
PO Box 29
Te Anau
Phone: +64 3 249 7924
Fish and Game NZ, Southland Region
PO Box 68
Te Anau
Phone: +64 3 249 8249
Fish and Game NZ, Southland Region
PO Box 159
Phone: +64 3 215 9117