Mangapumarumaru Track

Located in Waioweka Gorge Scenic Reserve in the East Coast region

This strenuous 4 hour track starts in the Waioweka Gorge, 23km south of Ōpōtiki.

This track is for experienced trampers only as it is not well maintained and marking in places is inadequate. Sections of the track are strenuous.

The track starts just north of the Mangapumarumaru Bridge on an old bulldozer trail. It follows the Mangapumaruma Stream along river flats, crossing the stream at frequent intervals.

After about 1 hour 30 minutes, a sign marks the beginning of the ridge track to Tutaetoko. This section of the walk is more strenuous and may not be suitable for all visitors. It is initially steep and then levels out, climbing more gently to a high point after about 1 hour. The walk then drops down a ridge to the Tutaetoko Stream.

This track is located 23 km from Ōpōtiki on SH2 in the Waioeka Gorge. It is signposted from the State Highway and starts on an old bulldozer trail just north of the Mangapumarumaru Bridge.