

This route leads through the middle of the Urutawa Conservation Area. As it is rough and gorgy in places it is recommended for experienced trampers only.

Walking and tramping

6 - 8 hr one way Expert: Route

Dog access

Dogs with a DOC permit only. Contact closest DOC office to get a permit. Other pets on conservation land rules.

Stay safe in the outdoors

  1. Choose the right trip for you. Learn about the route and make sure you have the skills for it.
  2. Understand the weather. Check weather forecasts
  3. Pack warm clothes and extra food. Check gear lists
  4. Share your plans and take ways to get help. Share directly or use the Outdoor Intentions form or Plan My Walk. Take a distress beacon. 
  5. Take care of yourself and each other.


DOC Customer Service Centre
Phone 0800 275 362
Email easternbop@doc.govt.nz
Address DOC offices
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