Image: Neil Hutton | DOC
Mangakirikiri Hut with helicopter.
Mangakirikiri Hut

Located in Raukumara Conservation Park in the East Coast region

A tidy 6-bunk hut on a high terrace above the Motu - Mangakirikiri confluence. The hut has tank water and an open fire.

The main users are hunters and rafters on the Motu river. The latter put in at Motu or the Otipi roadend and raft to the coast. The hut is also one of the 2 remainuing huts on the east-west Raukumara traverse - the other being Oronui.



Foot access from the west is either from Otipi road down the Motu - big river, many deep crossings, down Mangamate & Mangakirikiri streams from the Takaputahi Road dropping into the Mangamate down the ridge 500m NE of pt 630.

From the east it's a scrubby, hard 2-3 days to Oronui hut, and a further 4-8 hours to the Mt Hikurangi roadend.


NZ Topo50 map sheet: BE42
Grid/NZTM2000 coordinates: E2010795, N5782361