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Lake Kuratau


Kuratau is a compact lake with a reputation for producing high numbers of smaller athletic trout that respond well to a variety of fishing techniques.

Fishing season: 1 October to 30 June

Lake description

Lake Kuratau is the smallest of Taupō's fishable lakes and contains a high population of smaller trout. Both rainbows and browns will eagerly respond to a variety of fishing methods, making it an ideal venue for children and less experienced anglers.

This small hydro lake is a pleasure to fish from both the shore and boat, however a vessel will allow access to far more fishable water.

It also has the increasingly rare benefit of being completely free of introduced invasive pest plants. Please keep these weeds out by ensuring you Check, Clean, Dry your gear before you fish here.

Where to fish

Shore based fishing options are limited on Lake Kuratau, unless you use a boat to access otherwise inaccessible spots. If you do not have a boat, there is still good fishing along the shore near the boat ramp.

Boat fishermen have far more options. A good approach is to target the many weed beds and channels, concentrating efforts on the edges of the weed with nymphs, dry flies or streamer patterns. Boat anglers can also cast towards less accessible shorelines, targeting cruising fish in the shallows. This is a very visual approach and is a significant test of angling skills.

How to fish

Shore based anglers can use nymph and wet fly techniques – a small fly retrieved slowly on a floating line and long leader can bring good results. Boat anglers will find success using a variety of techniques, including trolling and harling, nymphing and wet fly fishing.

During the summer dry fly fishing can be spectacular at times, providing great sport for both shore and boat anglers alike. Spin fishing is also very effective on this lake.

As always be sure to check in with a local tackle shop for the latest advice.

Hazards to watch for

  • Pay attention to weather forecasts and avoid setting out in hazardous conditions.
  • Submerged trees just below the surface can present a hazard to boats in places.