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DOC ranger retrieves an illegal net by the shore of a lake.

Hotline helps maintain our fishery


Anglers can use the hotline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to report illegal activity or unsafe tracks.

Date:  18 June 2021

The Taupō Fishery has an international reputation for beautiful rivers and lakes that produce high quality rainbow and brown trout. Behind the scenes you will find a team of dedicated Fishery rangers working to conserve, protect and enhance this beautiful place.

While the vast majority of anglers appreciate the need for regulations to protect the fishery, there is a minority who do not. Fishery rangers can be more effective at restricting illegal activities when they receive support from the wider angling community. This is where the Taupō Fishery hotline comes in.

During winter spawning runs trout can be particularly vulnerable, so poaching becomes a significant problem in some locations. Poaching can take many forms, but netting is one of the greatest risks to trout.

Fishery rangers have considerable experience dealing with this issue. They regularly patrol known hot spots, removing nets and apprehending and prosecuting offenders. If the scale or frequency requires it, they will even carry out covert operations.

Key to reducing the impact of illegal nets and to catching offenders is early notification. This is where the angling community can really help.

If you see a net, or a series of floats indicating the presence of a net, please contact the hotline on 027 290 7758 – the number is printed on your licence. A recent report resulted in the retrieval of a large net along with its cargo of dead trout from the mouth of the Waiotaka River.

Dumped rubbish and other waste is another growing problem. Not only does it negatively impact the fishery and the angler experience, but it pollutes our rivers and riparian areas.

Fishery rangers are removing increasing quantities of rubbish bags and animal waste dumped beside angler car parks and access tracks. The Admirals Pool car park on the Tongariro River has been a particular target for offenders. Once again, the angling community can help us keep on top of this problem by looking out for suspicious behaviour and reporting any incidents of dumped rubbish.

Keeping angler access tracks clear is another regular task carried out by Fishery rangers. Storms regularly bring down trees or large branches which can create an obstacle for anglers using a track. Anglers will often be the first on the scene. A blocked track can present safety concerns, so anglers can use the hotline to let us know. Fishery rangers can then visit, assess and remedy the problem.

Taupō Fishery rangers take pride in protecting and maintaining this world-renowned fishery. Help from members of the angling community ensures the fishery continues to flourish, benefiting anglers, iwi, and the wider community alike.

The Taupō Fishery hotline is monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Fishery rangers may not be able answer every call immediately but please leave a message and it will be processed as soon as possible.

The telephone number can be found on fishing licences, the printed ‘Summary of Regulations’, as well as the Taupō Fishery home page. You may like to add the number to your Contact List on your phone, so it’s easily accessible if needed.

Taupō Fishery hotline – 027 290 7758