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An example of multiple fishermen enjoying a river by following fishing etiquette.

Fishing etiquette


Understanding how to fit in with other anglers is very important when you visit the Taupō fishery. Here is some information to help you out.

Fishing etiquette, or fishing manners, is an important aspect of fishing in the Taupō District. This is because in some places there are more anglers than there are preferred fishing locations.

There is a long-standing code that anglers voluntarily adopt to make fishing the rivers and lake an enjoyable experience for everybody.

On the rivers

Smaller rivers

If you're fishing one of the smaller rivers and find a pool is already occupied, leave the angler to it and move onto a quiet stretch.

Major rivers

  • No single method has right of way over another, for example, a wet-fly angler moving downstream through a pool has equal rights to a nymph angler moving upstream.
  • Always enter a pool behind an angler already fishing – it’s a good idea to speak to other anglers first, as a friendly exchange can avoid tension.
  • If the pool you want to fish is full, never push in – simply wait until someone leaves or move on to another spot.
  • If you're sharing a pool, steadily fish your way through it – don’t occupy a single spot indefinitely.

In all cases

  • If an angler beside you hooks a fish, leave them room to play it and allow them to return to their position after they have landed it.
  • If you have hooked several fish in succession in one spot, move a few steps so someone else can get the same opportunity.
  • Don't be so close to another angler that you restrict their casting.

On the lake

  • Anglers trolling or harling can have up to 200 metres of line trailing behind their boat.  Give them plenty of room before moving behind so you do not cut their line.
  • When parking your boat at a popular spot for flyfishing or jigging, give other boaties room to cast.
  • When two boats meet head-on they should each alter course to the starboard (right) to avoid a collision.  But if you are on the offshore side, avoid forcing the other boat into shallow water where their lines might foul.