Sunset fishing, Waitahanui river mouth


The Taupō Trout Fishery has an international reputation for excellent fishing all year round. Wild rainbow and brown trout thrive in crystal clear rivers and lakes, set within a beautiful volcanic landscape.


New fishing season licences

Season Licences for the 2024/25 season go on sale 24 June. This is a week before the start of the new season.

Buy a Taupō fishing licence

Map and summary of regulations (PDF, 1,917K)


Visit the Tongariro National Trout Centre and see the freshwater museum, aquarium, hatchery and fishing library, feed wild trout or attend a kids fishing day.


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Dip into the archive and read old copies of Target Taupō (1989-2015).

Social media

Visit Taupō Trout Fishery on Facebook for all the latest news. 

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