A feature of this track is the variety of forest in a relatively small area. The western side is a podocarp forest of mataī, miro and rimu. To the north east the forest is red and silver beech and kāmahi with an understorey of crown fern. Looking to the north west the bush was milled right up the track and is now regenerating.
Along the eastern side of the loop you'll see trees banded with aluminium to protect a rare species of red mistletoe from browsing possums. Look out for the inquisitive toutouwai/North Island robin as you walk around the loop.
There is good hunting in the area, as well as access to the upper Tauranga-Taupō river for fishing. Visit the Kaimanawa Forest Park hunting page for information on permits and dog access, and learn more about fishing the Tauranga-Taupō River on the Taupō Fishery page.