Trig point M.
Image: Ruth McKie | Creative Commons



Centred on the Torlesse and Big Ben ranges, in Canterbury’s high country, the park attracts trampers, hunters, winter climbers and cross-country skiers, picnickers, boaties and botanists.

Travellers on SH73 between Christchurch and the West Coast gain an increasingly panoramic view of the park as they approach Porters Pass.

Korowai/Torlesse Tussocklands Park is a key site for the promotion and protection of eastern South Island high country landscapes and ecosystems.

Find things to do and places to stay Korowai/Torlesse Tussocklands Park

You can go boating Lake Lyndon.


Arthur's Pass National Park Visitor Centre
Phone +64 3 318 9211
Address 104 West Coast Road
Arthur's Pass 7654
Hours Visitor centre hours and services
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