Image: Garth Boggiss | Creative Commons
Bush covered rock.
Sentinel Rock Lookout Track

Located in Kaimai Mamaku Conservation Park in the Bay of Plenty region

A challenging climb to an isolated rock outcrop in the Kaimai Ranges that offers spectacular views across the valley.

This track is signposted off the Tuahu Track at the Tuahu Kauri approximately 25 minutes from the carpark.

After a steep climb it travels along an undulating ridge to a view of Sentinel Rock, an isolated rock outcrop east of the Kaimai Range. The view of the surrounding valley is spectacular on a clear day.

The old track to the top of the rock is considered dangerous and should not be used.

Return on the same track.

Located within the Kaimai Mamaku Forest Park, these walks begin at the end of Hot Springs Road, just south of Katikati off SH2.

Consult a topographic map.