Cultural heritage sites are places in the landscape that tell the physical, spiritual and cultural stories of our past. They are places we value and connect to as New Zealanders. Help protect them.
Cultural heritage sites may be physical remains, such as pā, redoubts, bridges, wharves, roads, buildings, gold mining sites, heritage trees, plants, gardens and artefacts.
They can also be places of significance such as waahi taonga and waahi tapu and places of belief and spiritual significance like Cape Reinga / Te Rerenga Wairua.
On this page:
When you visit a cultural heritage site, take nothing from the site and leave it as you found it. If we take things away from a heritage site we lose important parts of its history and story that can’t be replaced.
It's illegal to take items away or do any other damage to cultural heritage sites. This includes metal detecting, fossicking or vandalism such as graffiti.
Just like our native plants and animals, cultural heritage sites are often unique and fragile – they can be easily damaged. Unless a sign says you can safely enter, stay out of any tunnels or pits and do not climb onto buildings or walls. This helps preserve these sites.
There are thousands of heritage sites across New Zealand. If you find an artefact or koiwi/human remains on public conservation land:
Some sites are very fragile or culturally significant. To share what you found may put them at risk of being damaged or destroyed by others.
The best thing to do is to:
If you find koiwi/human remains contact the Police and the nearest DOC office or visitor centre.
Help protect yourself and the history of closed heritage sites by not exploring them. Closed heritage sites are normally:
Health and safety is important to DOC to provide a safe recreation environment for the public. Sometimes visits to heritage sites are restricted due to reasons like structural issues, rock falls, or fall risks. You’ll know a heritage site is closed because there is a "Danger keep out" sign.
Going into sites like these can put you in danger of getting hurt. You may also accidentally damage fragile pieces of the site and its history.
If you see vandalism or damage being caused to heritage sites in conservation areas, call DOC HOT (0800 362 468).
If you find vandalism or damage to a heritage site, contact your local DOC office.