We are aware of a technical problem, where emails confirming licence purchases are not being sent. Anglers can still buy licences and go fishing. If you would like a manual receipt confirming your transaction, email fishlicence@doc.govt.nz.
Privacy disclosure: To process your request or information, we need to collect personal information about you. We'll only use your information for this purpose and we'll follow the principles of the Privacy Act 2020. See our privacy and security statement.
- family means:
- one person, or one person and that person’s spouse or partner; and
- the dependants of that person or those persons who
- ordinarily or periodically reside with that person or those persons; and
- are aged under 18 years on 1 July; and
- the grandchildren of that person or those persons, who are aged under 18 years on 1 July.
- senior means a person who is aged 65 years or older on 1 July
- child means a person who is aged under 18 years on 1 July
Note: a family licence allows for up to four children.
Having a problem? Use Microsoft Edge as your browser. If you are still experiencing a problem that prevents you from buying a Taupō fishing licence, contact us at FishLicence@doc.govt.nz