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Whakaipo Bay.

Whakaipo Bay project


Te Kapa o Te Rangiita ki Oruanui and DOC are partnering to protect and improve Whakaipo Bay for the community now and into the future.

Purpose of the project

Whakaipo Bay, a DOC recreational reserve on the northern shores of Lake Taupō, is cherished by mana whenua hapū and Taupō residents.

To mitigate environmental and cultural impacts, the proposed solution is to limit traffic access throughout the Whakaipo Bay reserve. This involves creating a central hub for day visitors and freedom campers, complete with a dedicated parking area and toilets.

This designated parking area, along with farm fencing, will restrict four-wheel driving access across the bay, fostering a safer, family-friendly environment for everyone to enjoy.

Solutions include:

  • Te Kapa o Te Rangiita ki Oruanui and DOC and will be installing new fencing to limit off-roading and vandalism
  • as part of the push to reduce inappropriate use of the bay, a new car park with additional toilet facilities will be introduced at the base of the access road. This new car park and toilet area will become the main carpark for the Bay
  • there will be some changes to the way the area is accessed, however, pedestrian access to the lake will be improved and prioritised as part of these works
  • the area available to self-contained freedom campers will be partially reduced and will continue to operate on a first-come, first-served basis.


Representatives from Te Kapa o Te Rangiita ki Oruanui (hapū) and the Department of Conservation (DOC) have formed the Whakaipo Bay Project Group. This flagship project ues the Te Piringa agreement to shape co-management for the Bay.

The Te Piringa agreement is central to this partnership, guiding the creation of a shared vision and future pathways for Whakaipo Bay:

  • protecting Whakaipo Bay as a valued taonga
  • enabling hapū and whanau to reconnect
  • creating a blueprint for co-management/governance on DOC estate post Ngāti Tūwharetoa settlement
  • establishing future community partnerships for enhancement, restoration and protection
  • limiting inappropriate use.


  • Fencing installation: Beginning of 2025
  • New toilets operational: March 2025
  • New carpark completion: December 2025 *not confirmed

The group has developed a high-level project action plan outlining several smaller projects or pathways aimed at restoring the mana and mauri of the Bay. This multi-year project will involve various partnerships and contributions from agencies, groups, and the local Taupō community.