Native species are fighting for survival from predation by rats, stoats and possums. Without protection, we risk losing New Zealand’s unique natural heritage and biodiversity.
Alongside our partners, we use 1080, large-scale trapping and other methods to protect native birds, bats, frogs, lizards, giant land snails and forests. We do this work at important conservation sites across the country to help them recover.
1080 is the most effective tool to control introduced predators over large areas and rough terrain. Decades of research shows it protects vulnerable wildlife and forests and helps populations to grow.
The programme is a critical part of the Predator Free 2050 movement. It is protecting the remaining populations of native species while other tools are being developed to eradicate possums, rats and stoats.
To help achieve this, we are consulting and partnering with hapū, iwi, communities, landowners and other organisations involved in conservation.
National Predator Control Programme Annual Report 2023 (PDF, 9,251K)
Parliamentary report: Taonga of an island nation: Saving New Zealand's birds
Predator response booklet: Protecting native species (PDF, 3,157K)