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Takahē with a chick in Burwood Bush near Te Anau.

Donate to Takahē Recovery


There are several ways you can donate to Takahē Recovery. No amount is too small.

Donations are administered by the New Zealand Nature Fund. All donations go directly towards Takahē Recovery.

How your donation helps

How your donation helps. $25 buys a month's pellets for a breeding pair $100 buys a disease screening for one takahē $200 buys a trail camera to monitor nesting takahē $350 buys a smart transmitter for a takahē $1,000 buys a year's maintenance of 1 km of predator proof fencing at Burwood Takahē Centre $2,000 buys a set of radio-tracking equipment.

How to donate

You can donate online using your credit card or debit card or by making a direct credit.

Donate online

New Zealand Nature Fund logo.

Online donations are made through the New Zealand Nature Fund website.

Donate now

All donations go directly towards the Takahē Recovery Programme.

Make a direct credit

You can also donate by direct credit by internet banking or at a BNZ branch.

Account name: New Zealand Nature Fund
Account number: 02 0536 0447919 00

Include 'Takahē Recovery' in the reference details.

For a donation receipt, contact with your donation details.

Get your school or work to support takahē

Looking for something to raise fund for at your school or work? Spread the word about takahē by sharing their amazing story, and consider organising fundraising efforts at your school or workplace to support the Takahē Recovery Programme. Every little bit helps.


Takahē Recovery Programme
Department of Conservation
PO Box 29
Te Anau 9640
New Zealand
Phone: 0800 ASK DOC (0800 275 362)