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Department of Conservation | Te Papa Atawhai
Our work
Managing threats to nature
Managing threats to nature
We manage threats to places and species, including fire, biosecurity and climate change.
National Predator Control Programme
Our predator control programme protects native wildlife and forests on public conservation land.
Wild Animals Management
DOC manages wild goats, deer, pigs, tahr, and chamois to protect native plants and habitats.
Conservation Dogs Programme
The Conservation Dogs Programme mentors, certifies and supports a nationwide network of dog-handler teams. These teams detect New Zealand’s protected species or unwanted pests.
Protected species bycatch
The Conservation Services Programme (CSP) monitors the impact of commercial fishing on protected species, studies species populations and looks at ways to mitigate bycatch.
Marine Protected Areas research programme
DOC is working with others to carry out research that will contribute to the future of marine protection.
Climate change and conservation
DOC is working to protect New Zealand’s native species, ecosystems, outdoor recreation and heritage sites from climate change.
Wildlife health
Wildlife health is about ensuring we have healthy and robust populations of wildlife. We work on investigating wildlife diseases.
Biosecurity helps to prevent damage caused by unwanted organisms. These include animal pests, weeds, didymo, and diseases like kauri dieback.
Fire management
How DOC minimises the risks of fires on public conservation land.
Honeybees on conservation land
DOC is concerned about the risks to beekeeping sustainability in New Zealand. We are taking the lead by creating a sustainable model for beekeeping – one based on conservation.