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Jobs for Nature health and safety reporting


Help make sure your Jobs for Nature project’s workers arrive home safe everyday by reporting health and safety incidents. These also help to meet your requirements under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.

Report notifiable events or critical risk incidents

Your project should report all notifiable events and critical risk incidents to us online. 

Your project should inform DOC within one business day for notifiable events and as soon as practicable for critical risk incidents.

Complete the health and safety incident form online.

Notifiable event

A notifiable event is classed as:

  • a death
  • a notable illness or injury, or
  • a notifiable incident.

More about notifiable events from WorkSafe.

Critical risks

A critical risk incident means any health and safety incident involving any critical risk identified and agreed by the organisation or trust, DOC or other Jobs for Nature PCBU’s that has a potential for serious harm. Critical risks will be identified and agreed in individual health and safety management plans before work begins at site.

Report all other health and safety incidents in the quarterly summary

Your project should report all other health and safety incidents through a quarterly summary of incidents. This was set out in part C of your agreement. This should be done through your quarterly Enquire reporting.

The summary will include:  

  • all incidents, including notifiable events reported previously in the one business day timeframe
  • current status of injured people
  • corrective actions from incidents
  • evaluations or inspections undertaken where applicable
  • acts of non-compliance with agreed health and safety practices, and
  • any property and environmental damage.

Reporting is required

The Government has invested $1.219 billion in nature-based work. Reporting is a requirement that enables us to ensure the funding package is delivered effectively to create employment opportunities and deliver tangible conservation benefits to New Zealand.


If you require assistance with your project, contact your DOC Delivery Manager in the first instance.