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Heritage resources


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Regional heritage publications

View regional historic publications.

Caring for archaeological sites

Practical guidelines for protecting and managing archaeological sites in New Zealand. Published 2007.

Conservation of iron and steelwork in historic structures and machinery

A maintenance handbook for the conservation of iron and steelwork in historic structures and machinery. Published 2008.

Historic concrete structures in New Zealand

This 2008 handbook describes the historical development of concrete and proposes conservation strategies for the preservation and repair of concrete structures.

Māori gardening: an archaeological perspective

This 2006 report looks at the archaeological evidence of adaptations Māori gardeners made to the landscape in order to grow vegetables which were suited to a warmer climate.

National register of heritage sites managed by DOC

DOC manages a range of historic sites around New Zealand. This register provides a list of sites managed by DOC in 2009.

The archaeology of New Zealand shore whaling

This is a summary of a 2002 report that found there are 87 New Zealand shore whaling stations and sites for which there is good archaeological and/or historical evidence.

The future of New Zealand War sites and landscapes

Among the most important episodes in New Zealand's history was the NZ Wars. The important historical and archaeological landscape of the wars is now coming under great pressure with rapid changes in land use. Published 2002.

Rail heritage managed by the Department of Conservation

DOC manages a diverse range of rail heritage sites that are becoming increasingly popular. Find out about the 31 sites open to visitors. Published 2007.

Stop the rot: stabilisation of historic timber structures - interim guidelines

This 2004 manual describes operations that may need to be undertaken to prevent or slow down deterioration of old timbers in historic structures exposed to the weather.

Wild animal control huts: a national heritage identification study

DOC manages a large number of backcountry huts, a great many of which were built as part of wild animal control operations by the New Zealand Forest Service and, to a lesser extent, by its predecessor, the Deer Division of the Department of Internal Affairs and the Wildlife Service. Published 2007, revised 2011.

Archaeology of the Antipodes Islands

A 2023 report documenting the results of an archaeological survey of the main Antipodes Island in 2018.