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Heritage sites in Central North Island


Explore the historic heritage sites that DOC looks after in the Central North Island.
History of Fergusson Cottage

History of Fergusson Cottage

The cottage was originally built to accommodate visitors to Tongariro National Park. There are two picnic tables outside and a veranda for shelter.

History of Glacier Hut

History of Glacier Hut

Visit Glacier Hut which now serves as a skiing museum in Tongariro National Park. The museum is owned and managed by the Ruapehu Ski Club.

History of Tongariro National Park

History of Tongariro National Park

Tongariro is New Zealand's oldest national park and a UNESCO World Heritage area. The park’s stunning natural landscapes are imbued with deep cultural importance.

History of Waihohonu Hut

History of Waihohonu Hut

You can visit Tongariro National Park's Waihohonu Hut. The hut was built in 1904 to accommodate park visitors and tourists travelling by coach from Waiouru or Tokaanu.

Ohakune Old Coach Road

Ohakune Old Coach Road

Take a trip back into New Zealand's rail heritage while you walk or cycle an old coach road. The road was used to carry passengers and goods between two railheads on the North Island main trunk link before they were linked in 1908.