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Research needs for protected corals in New Zealand waters

Read more about the research needs for protected corals in New Zealand waters.

Census and individual size of New Zealand fur seal/kekeno pups on the West Coast South Island, 1991 - 2016

Read the report on the census of New Zealand fur seal pups on the west coast of the South Island. Published 2019.

Protected species liaison programme manual

Read the manual for the protected species liaison programme prepared under the CSP project MIT2017-01. Published 2020.

Development of models for predicting future distributions of protected coral species in the New Zealand region

Read about predicting future distribution of protected deep-sea coral species using models. Published 2015.

Demography and distribution of Buller's albatrosses

Read the final research report for the 2012 field season studying the demography and distribution of Buller's albatrosses. Published 2012.

Demography and distribution of Buller's albatross - 2010 field report

View the 2010 results from a demography and distribution study of Buller's albatross at the Snares Islands. Published 2011.

Protected species interactions with the snapper demersal longline fishery in FMA 1

Read a summary of protected species interactions observed in the inshore snapper demersal longline fishery during the period 2001-07. Published 2011.

Mincing offal to reduce the attendance of seabirds at trawlers

This report summarises trials of mincing as an offal management technique to reduce attendance of seabirds at the vessel, on two offshore trawl trips in 2008. Published 2010.

Level 1 Risk Assessment for Incidental Seabird Mortality Associated with New Zealand Fisheries in the NZ-EEZ

This report describes a qualitative (Level 1) risk assessment was conducted to examine the likelihood of fisheries effects on populations of New Zealand seabirds. Published 2010.

Electronic monitoring in the New Zealand inshore trawl fishery: a pilot study

This report summarises a trial to evaluate the potential use of electronic monitoring in capturing protected species interactions in a NZ inshore trawl fishery. Published 2011.

Distribution, pup production and mortality of New Zealand sea lion on Campbell Island 2007/08

This paper describes the distribution, pup production and mortality of the New Zealand sea lion on Campbell Island in 2007/08. The work was completed through Crown funding provided by Marine Conservation Services. Published 2009.

Characterising deck strikes

This report was the output of a Summer Research Scholarship in 2016/17. Published 2017.

Information review for protected deep-sea coral species in the New Zealand region

This review presents research on black and red corals as well as other deep sea coral groups. Published 2006.