Get information on this page about these 2021 meetings:
Terms of reference: CSP RAG Terms of Reference (PDF, 150 K)
RAG Resources:
Comments are sought on the draft documents and research proposals can be made using the Research Submission Form above. The submission period is 7 Dec 2021 - 19 Jan 2022 and should be sent to
29 November 2021
This is a six monthly progress report for INT2019-04: Identification and storage of cold-water bycatch specimens from 1 July 2020-31 December 2020.
29 November 2021
This is a quarterly report for INT2019-02: Identification of seabirds captured at sea in New Zealand fisheries. It covers captures from 1 July 2020-31 December 2020.
3 November 2021
This is the draft final report for MIT2020-03: Mitigation gaps analysis towards reducing protected species bycatch. This report differs to the original planned project in the CSP Annual Plan 2020/21 and is now a summary of the workshop held. DOC is running a process with FNZ to develop a pathway for mitigation projects to take to the RAG for prioritisation in the CSP Annual Plan 2022/23. Stakeholder input will be a component of this process.
Comments are sought until 5 pm, Wednesday 17 November 2021 and should be sent to
4 October 2021
This is a quarterly report for INT2019-02: Identification of seabirds captured at sea in New Zealand fisheries. It covers captures from 1 July 2020-30 September 2020.
Comments are sought until 5 pm, Monday 18 October 2021 and should be sent to
29 September 2021
Chair: Katie Clemens-Seely
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 66K)
Minutes: Minutes (PDF, 71K)
CSP online meeting guidelines (PDF, 85K)
Following the TWG, additional comments will be sought until 5 pm, Wednesday 13 October 2021 and should be sent to
20 September 2021
This is the draft mid-year report for MIT2020-02: Protected species liaison project. It covers the start of the 2020-21 fishing year from 1 Oct 2020- 28 Feb 2021.
Comments are sought until 5 pm, Monday 4 October 2021 and should be sent to
26 August 2021
Chair: Ian Angus
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 69K)
Minutes: Minutes (PDF, 85K)
Following the TWG, additional comments will be sought until 5 pm, Thursday 9 September 2021 and should be sent to
26 July 2021
Chair: Karen Middlemiss
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 93K)
Minutes: Minutes (PDF, 93K)
Additional comments will be sought until 5 pm, Monday 9 August 2021 and should be sent to
10 June 2021
Chair: Graeme Taylor
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 147K)
Minutes: Minutes (PDF, 163K)
CSP presentations:
Additional comments will be sought until 5 pm, Thursday 24 June 2021 and should be sent to
27 May 2021
Chair: Ian Angus
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 162K)
Minutes: Minutes (PDF, 88K)
CSP presentations:
Additional comments will be sought until 5 pm, Thursday 10 June 2021 and should be sent to
01 April 2021
This is the final draft report for MIT2017-01: Protected species liaison project.
Comments are sought until 5 pm, Thursday 15 April 2021 and should be sent to
8 March 2021
Terms of reference: CSP RAG Terms of Reference (PDF, 150 K)
Chair: Ian Angus
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 83 K)
Minutes: Minutes (PDF 109 K)
RAG Resources:
Additional feedback from the CSP RAG will be sought until 5 pm, 22 March 2021 and should be sent to
26 January 2021
This is the final progress report for BCBC2019-05: King shag diet research- prey species identified from regurgitated pellets.
This project was presented at the CSP TWG on 9 December 2020.