Get information on this page about these 2020 meetings:
CSP Research Advisory Group Resources 2021/22
Terms of reference: CSP RAG Terms of Reference (PDF, 150 K)
RAG Resources:
Comments are sought on the draft documents and research proposals can be made using the Research Submission Form above. The submission period is 18 Dec 2020 - 07 Feb 2021 and should be sent to
CSP Technical Working Group
9 December 2020
Online Teams meeting
Chair: Ian Angus
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 83K)
Minutes: Minutes (PDF, 82K)
CSP online meeting guidelines (PDF, 85K)
CSP presentations:
- POP2019-02: Fish shoal dynamics in North-eastern New Zealand - NNZST
- POP2020-04: Grey petrel population estimate, Antipodes Island- methodology presentation – Parker Conservation
- POP2018-02: Hoiho population and tracking project – Eudyptes Consulting
- BCBC2019-05: King shag dietary analysis - Chris Lalas, Rob Schuckard, Aimee van der Reis
- POP2020-03: Basking shark habitat suitability modelling - NIWA
Following the TWG, additional comments will be sought until 5 pm, Wednesday 23 December 2020 and should be sent to
CSP Technical Working Group
3 September 2020
Online Teams meeting
Chair: Katie Clemens-Seely
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 81K)
Minutes: Minutes (PDF, 86K)
CSP online meeting guidelines (PDF, 85K)
CSP presentations:
- BCBC2019-07c: Recreational fishing bycatch programme, stakeholder engagement framework – SenateSHJ
- MIT2019-03: Lighting adjustments to mitigate against deck strikes/vessel impacts, land-based results and at-sea methodology – NNZST
- MIT2019-04: Optimum batching interval for discharge management on vessels in the scampi fishery – Pisces Research
- Drone-based Salvin's albatross population assessment, Bounty Islands 2019/20 – Parker Conservation
Following the TWG, additional comments will be sought until 5 pm, Thursday 17 September 2020 and should be sent to
CSP Technical Working Group
6 August 2020
Online Teams meeting
Chair: Ian Angus
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 45K)
Minutes: Minutes (PDF, 87K)
CSP online meeting guidelines (PDF, 85K)
CSP presentations:
- POP2018-06: Protected coral connectivity in New Zealand – NIWA
- INT2019-05: Coral biodiversity in deep – water fisheries bycatch – NIWA
- INT2019-03: Characterisation of marine mammal interactions – Dragonfly
- Seabird observer sightings data 2007/08-2018/19 – Dragonfly
- Commercial fisheries seabird interaction health assessment tool – DOC
Following the TWG, additional comments will be sought until 5 pm, Thursday 20 August 2020 and should be sent to
CSP Project update: INT2019-02: Identification of seabirds captured in New Zealand fisheries: 1 July 2019 – 31 March 2020
31 July 2020
This is the quarterly report for INT2019-02, reporting on milestone 3 of this project: Identification of seabirds captured in New Zealand fisheries. This report builds upon the previous seabird ID report that covered captures from 1 July 2019 - 31 December 2019.
Comments are sought until 5 pm, Friday 14 August 2020 and should be sent to
CSP Project update: POP2019-02: Fish shoal dynamics in north-eastern New Zealand- fish shoal sampling
31 July 2020
This is a draft interim report for POP2019-02, reporting on milestone 4 of this project- summary of analysis of zooplankton samples collected 2019-20
Comments are sought until 5 pm, Friday 14 August 2020 and should be sent to
CSP Project update: INT2019-04: Identification and storage of cold–water coral bycatch specimens: 1 July 2019 – 31 December 2019
29 July 2020
This is the draft 6-monthly progress report for INT2019-04, reporting on milestone 1 of this project: Identification and storage of cold–water coral bycatch specimens
Comments are sought until 5 pm, Thursday 13 August 2020 and should be sent to
CSP Technical Working Group
25 June 2020
Online Teams meeting.
Chair: Ian Angus
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 85 K)
Minutes: Minutes (PDF, 78 K)
CSP online meeting guidelines (PDF, 85 K)
CSP presentations:
- POP2018-04: Flesh–footed shearwater population monitoring – WMIL
- BCBC2019-03: Campbell Island seabird Research:
- November field survey component:
- Photo count component:
- Southern royal albatross breeding assessment:
- POP2017-04: Seabird population research: Auckland Islands 2017–20 – Parker Conservation
- BCBC2019-07a: Recreational fishing bycatch programme: Database assessment of recreational fishing bycatch of all marine protected species and review of reporting tools – Dragonfly
- BCBC2019-05: Understanding potential interactions and indirect effects between commercial fishing and NZ king shag populations –Statfishtics
Following the TWG, additional comments will be sought until 5 pm, Thursday 9 July 2020 and should be sent to
CSP Project update: MIT2017-01: Protected species liaison project
8 June 2020
This is a progress report for MIT2017-01: Protected species liaison project. This report summarises some aspects of the period from July 2017 – September 2019 and covers progress within the current year from 01 October 2019 – 31 May 2020.
Send you comments on this project to
CSP Technical Working Group
4 June 2020
Online Teams meeting.
Chair: Ian Angus
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 114 K)
Minutes: Minutes (PDF, 94 K)
CSP online meeting guidelines (PDF, 85 K)
DOC presentation:
- Antipodean albatross population research: 2019/20 field season – Kath Walker and Graeme Elliot (DOC)
- Antipodean albatross population research: Antipodean albatross spatial distribution and fisheries overlap 2019
CSP presentations:
- POP2017-03: Salvin's albatross, Bounty Islands population project – NIWA
- POP2019-01: Investigation of electronic device options to assess distribution, diving and foraging behaviour of Hector’s dolphins – Cawthron Institute
- MIT2019-01:Dolphin Dissuasive Device Mitigation in inshore fisheries – Cawthron Institute
- MIT2018-03: Setting mitigation for small longline vessels, progress update – Fisheries Inshore NZ
Following the TWG, additional comments will be sought until 5 pm, Thursday 18 June 2020 and should be sent to
CSP Technical Working Group
15 May 2020
Online Teams meeting
Chair: Ian Angus
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 78 K)
Minutes: Minutes (PDF, 81 K)
CSP online meeting guidelines (PDF, 85 K)
CSP presentations:
- POP2019-04: Southern Buller’s albatross: Snares/Tini Heke population project – NIWA
- INT2019-06: Post–release survival of seabirds – WMIL
- BCBC2018-01: Underwater line setter trials for small vessels – Vita Maris
- MIT2019-02: Review of mitigation techniques to reduce benthic impacts of trawling – Terra Moana
Following the TWG, additional comments will be sought until 5 pm, Friday 29 May 2020 and should be sent to
CSP Project update: INT2019-02: Identification of seabirds captured in New Zealand fisheries: 1 July 2019 – 31 December 2019
23 March 2020
This is the final report for INT2019-02, reporting on milestone 2 of this project: Identification of seabirds captured in New Zealand fisheries.
Comments are sought until 5 pm, Thursday 7 May 2020 and should be sent to
CSP Research Advisory Group Meeting
6 March 2020
G0.1 Holloway Room, Conservation House, 18–32 Manners St, Wellington.
Chair: Ian Angus
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 84 K)
Minutes: Minutes (PDF, 99 K)
RAG Resources:
- CSP Annual Research Summary 2018–19 (PDF, 1,391 K)
- CSP RAG Project Proposals 2020/21 (PDF, 4,787 K)
- CSP Project Initial Prioritisation 2020/21 (PDF, 41 K)
- CSP Marine Mammal Medium Term Research Plan 2018 (PDF, 631 K)
- CSP Protected Fish Medium Term Research Plan 2019 (395 K)
- CSP Seabird Medium Term Research Plan 2019 (PDF 2,830 K)
- CSP Protected Coral Medium Term Research Plan 2019 (PDF, 181 K)
- CSP Strategic Statement 2018 (PDF, 6,230K)
- CSP Research Advisory Group resources
Additional feedback from the CSP RAG will be sought until 5 pm, 27 March 2019 and should be sent to
CSP Technical Working Group
5 March 2020
G0.2 Tangaroa Room, Conservation House, 18–32 Manners St, Wellington.
Chair: Ian Angus
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 80 K)
Minutes: Minutes (PDF, 92 K)
CSP presentations:
- POP2018-05: Westland petrel population size estimate – DOC
- MIT2018-01: Protected species engagement project– Port Group
- POP2019-05: NZ fur seal Bounty Islands population assessment– Parker Conservation
- POP2018-01: Improved habitat suitability modelling for protected corals in New Zealand waters– NIWA
Following the TWG, additional comments will be sought until 5 pm, Friday 20 March 2020 and should be sent to
CSP Technical Working Group
28 Feb 2020
Online Skype meeting,10:30 am – 12pm
Minutes: Minutes (PDF, 67 K)
CSP presentation:
- POP2019-04: Southern Buller’s albatross: Snares/Tini Heke population project