Get information on this page about these 2019 meetings:
Terms of reference: CSP RAG Terms of Reference (PDF, 55 K)
RAG Resources:
Comments are sought on the draft documents and research proposals can be made using the Research Submission Form above. The submission period is 09 Dec 2019 - 07 Feb 2020 and should be sent to
This is the final literature review and methodology report for MIT2019-03: Lighting adjustments to mitigate against deck strikes/vessel impacts
This project was presented at the CSP TWG on 7 November 2019.
This is the draft final annual report for INT2015-03 reporting on milestone 13 of this project. This report builds upon the previous coral ID report that covered bycatch from 1 July 2018- 31 December 2018.
Comments are sought until 5 pm, Friday 10 January 2020 and should be sent to
This is the draft final annual report for INT2016-02 reporting on milestone 16 of this project: Identification of seabirds captured in New Zealand fisheries. This report builds upon the previous seabird ID report that covered captures from 1 July 2018- 31 March 2019.
Comments are sought until 5 pm, Monday 2 December 2019 and should be sent to
G0.4 Tohora Room, Conservation House, 18-32 Manners St, Wellington.
Chair: Igor Debski
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 78 K)
Minutes: Minutes (PDF, 632 K)
CSP presentations:
Following the TWG, additional comments will be sought until 5 pm, Friday 21 November 2019 and should be sent to
These are the draft final reports for the marine mammal component of INT2017-03: Identification of marine mammals, turtles and protected fish captured in New Zealand fisheries.
Comments are sought until 5 pm, Friday 1 November 2019 and should be sent to
This is the draft methodology report for POP2019-05: NZ fur seal Bounty Islands population assessment
Due to the timing of vessel departure for this project, comments will need to be submitted to by 5pm on Friday 18th October 2019.
G0.1 Holloway Room, Conservation House, 18-32 Manners St, Wellington.
Chair: Ian Angus (DOC)
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 80 K)
Meeting Report:Report (PDF, 1,690 K)
Technical Working Group presentations:
This is the draft progress report for INT2015-03, the draft final annual report will follow in December covering all coral bycatch specimens 1 July 2018-30 June 2019.
Comments are sought until 12 pm, Friday 9 August 2019 and should be sent to
This is the draft quarterly report for INT2016-02, reporting on milestone 15 of this project: Identification of seabirds captured in New Zealand fisheries. This report builds upon the previous seabird ID report covering captures 1 July 2018- 31 December 2018.
Comments are sought until 12 pm, Tuesday 16 July 2019 and should be sent to
G0.1 Holloway Room, Conservation House, 18-32 Manners St, Wellington.
Chair: Katie Clemens-Seely (DOC)
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 93 K)
Minutes: Minutes (PDF, 490 K)
CSP Technical Working Group presentations:
Following the TWG, additional comments will be sought until 5 pm, Wednesday 31 July 2019 and should be sent to
This is the draft final report for the colony based seabird diet sampling component of POP2017-06, milestone 6 of this project.
Comments are sought until 12 pm, Monday 1 April 2019 and should be sent to The four final components of this project (including this report) will be presented together at a CSP TWG mid 2019.
G0.1 Holloway Room, Conservation House, 18-32 Manners St, Wellington.
Chair: Graeme Taylor (DOC)/ Ben Sharp (FNZ)
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 93 K)
Minutes: Minutes (PDF, 115 K)
CSP Technical Working Group presentations:
DOC presentation:
FNZ AEWG presentations:
These projects will presented at the CSP TWG on 31 May 2019. Following the TWG, additional comments will be sought until 5 pm, Friday 14 June 2019 and should be sent to
This is the draft quarterly report for INT2016-02, reporting on milestone 14 of this project: Identification of seabirds captured in New Zealand fisheries. This report builds upon the previous seabird ID report covering captures 1 July 2018- 30 September 2018.
Comments are sought until 12 pm, Monday 15 April 2019 and should be sent to
This is the final methodology report for POP2018-01: Habitat suitability modelling for protected corals in New Zealand waters
This report was presented at the CSP TWG on the 18th February 2019.
G0.3 Toroa Room, Conservation House, 18-32 Manners St, Wellington.
Chair: Neil Gilbert
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 68 K)
Meeting report: TBA
CSP Technical Working Group presentation:
This project will be presented at the TMP/CSP TWG as it is suitable to present on this alongside other sea lion research conducted under the sea lion TMP. Comments on the draft report are sought until 12 pm, Wednesday 5 June 2019 and should be sent to
This is the draft final report for the at-sea fish shoal sampling component of POP2017-06, milestone 5 of this project.
Comments are sought until 12 pm, Monday 1 April 2019 and should be sent to The four final components of this project (including this report) will be presented together at a CSP TWG mid 2019.
G0.1 Holloway Room, Conservation House, 18-32 Manners Street, Wellington
Chair: Ian Angus, DOC
Terms of reference: CSP RAG Terms of Reference (PDF, 55 K)
Agenda: CSP RAG Agenda 8 March 2019 (PDF, 164 K)
Minutes: CSP RAG Minutes (PDF, 854 K)
RAG Resources
Additional feedback from the CSP RAG will be sought until 5 pm, 24 March 2019 and should be sent to
G0.4 Tohora Room, Conservation House, 18-32 Manners St, Wellington.
Chair: Rich Ford
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 43 K)
Minutes: Minutes (PDF, 651 K)
MPI AEWG presentation:
CSP Technical Working Group presentation:
This project will presented at the CSP TWG on 18 February 2019. Comments will be sought until 5 pm, Monday 4 March 2019 and should be sent to
This is the draft final report for INT2015-03: Identification and storage of cold-water coral bycatch specimens
Comments are sought until 12 pm, Friday 1 February 2019 and should be sent to
This is the draft quarterly report for INT2016-02, reporting on milestone 13 of this project: Identification of seabirds captured in New Zealand fisheries
Comments are sought until 12 pm, Friday 1 February 2019 and should be sent to