Get information on this page about these 2014 meetings:
CSP Technical Working Group meeting
12 December 2014
Conservation House, 18-32 Manners St, Wellington.
Chair: Ian Angus, DOC
Agenda:Agenda (PDF, 188K)
Minutes: Meeting minutes (PDF, 803K)
- INT2013-04 Optimisation of observer data collection protocols. Johanna Pierre (Dragonfly).
- MIT2013-02 Surface longline seabird mitigation. Draft final report. Johanna Pierre (Dragonfly).
- POP2014-02 Salvin’s albatross at The Snares – ground survey. Draft final report. David Thompson (NIWA).
- POP2014-02 Salvin’s albatross at The Snares – aerial survey. Draft final report. Barry Baker (Latitude 42).
- POP2014-02 Gibson’s albatross population estimate. Proposed methodology. (Albatross Research)
- POP2014-02 White-capped albatross (Auckland Islands). Proposed methodology. Barry Baker (Latitude 42) and David Thompson (NIWA).
- POP2014-02 Black petrel population project. Update on proposed methodology. Kris Ramm (DOC).
Non-CSP Technical Working Group presentations
- Light-mantled sooty albatross aerial survey Auckland Islands 2014. Draft final report. Barry Baker (Latitude 42).
CSP Research Advisory Group meeting
3 December 2014
Conservation House, 18-32 Manners St, Wellington.
- DOC: Hilary Aikman, DOC
- MPI: Martin Cryer, Fisheries Management Directorate
Terms of reference: CSP RAG Terms of Reference (PDF, 55K)
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 375K)
Minutes: Meeting miinutes (PDF, 667K)
CSP Technical Working Group
25 November 2014
Conservation House, 18-32 Manners St, Wellington.
Chair: Ian Angus, DOC
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 153K)
Minutes: Minutes of the meeting (PDF, 838K)
CSP Technical Working Group presentations
- INT2013-05 Assessment of cryptic seabird mortality due to trawl warps and longlines. Johanna Pierre (Dragonfly).
- POP2013-05 Development of coral distribution modelling. Owen Anderson (NIWA).
Note that the methodology for POP2014-01 New Zealand sea lion population project (Auckland Islands) will be presented later this afternoon as part of a New Zealand sea lion threat management plan stakeholder meeting. For further information, including a draft agenda, see the Upcoming meetings section of this page.
Non-CSP Technical Working Group presentations
- Pilot ecological risk assessment for protected corals. Malcolm Clark (NIWA).
CSP Technical Working Group meeting
26 August 2014
Conservation House, 18-32 Manners St, Wellington.
Chair: Ian Angus
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 143K)
Minutes: Meeting minutes (PDF, 814K)
CSP TWG Presentations
- POP2012-02 New Zealand sea lions – demographic assessment of the cause of decline at the Auckland Islands. Jim Roberts (NIWA).
Note: these are draft reports for review by the TWG. - POP2014-02 Black petrel population project methodology discussion. Kris Ramm (DOC)
- Great Barrier Island habitiat mapping and likely black petrel locations
CSP reports tabled
- POP2013-06: Oceanic whitetip shark review. Malcolm Francis (NIWA).
CSP project update
25 July 2014
This draft report describes the at-sea distribution of Salvin's albatross at the Bounty Island, as part of project POP2012-06 Salvin's albatross - population estimate and at-sea distribution.
This draft report builds on the presentation by David Thompson (NIWA) made to the CSP TWG 6 June 2014 meeting.
CSP Technical Working Group meeting
22 July 2014
St John House, 114 The Terrace, Wellington.
Chair: Ian Angus, DOC
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 154K)
Minutes: Meeting minutes (PDF, 1,100K)
Presentations on New Zealand sea lion research planning
- CSP presentation: Research Planning for POP2014-01: New Zealand sea lion population project (Auckland Islands). Paul Crozier (DOC) and Jim Roberts (NIWA).
- Non-CSP presentation: Review of options for future research on New Zealand sea lion pup mortality. Simon Childerhouse (BPM)
Non-CSP Presentations
- The creation of a fur seal tagging and sighting database. Finlay Thompson (Dragonfly)
CSP reports tabled
- POP2013-04: At-sea distribution and population parameters of the black petrels on Great Barrier Island (Aotea Island), 2013/14. Biz Bell (WMIL).
CSP Technical Working Group
6 June 2014
Conservation House, 18-32 Manners St, Wellington.
Chair: Ian Angus, DOC
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 181K)
Minutes: Meeting minutes (PDF, 1350K)
CSP TWG presentations
- MIT2013-01 Sea trials of the Kellian line setter. Barry Baker (Latitude 42).
- MIT2013-03 Characterisation of smaller vessel deep water bottom longline operations in relation to risk factors for seabird capture. Johanna Pierre (Dragonfly).
Note: The above report is prepared to conform to the Ministry for Primary Industries' data usage requirements. This means that in parts of the report where the activities of 3 or fewer vessels were described, tables and figures have been removed. Please contact the authors should you have any queries about the content of those removed items
- MIT2012-05 Protected species bycatch newsletter. Johanna Pierre (JPEC).
- POP2016-06 Salvin's albatross - at-sea distribution. David Thompson (NIWA)
- POP2013-03 Gibson's albatross population study (Auckland Islands). Kath Walker & Graham Elliott (Albatross Research).
- POP2011-02 Flesh-footed shearwater - population study and foraging areas. Susan Waugh (Te Papa).
Other presentations
- Buller's albatross population study at The Snares. David Thompson (NIWA).
- Aerial survey of Gibson’s and Southern royal albatrosses, Auckland Islands. Barry Baker (Latitude 42).
CSP reports tabled for review
- POP2012-04 Campbell Island and grey-headed albatrosses - population estimates. Paul Sagar (NIWA).
CSP Technical Working Group meeting
20 May 2014
Meeting held at Conservation House, 18-32 Manners St, Wellington.
Chair: Ian Angus, DOC
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 145K)
Minutes: Meeting minutes (PDF, 2,080K)
CSP TWG Presentations
- POP2012-02 New Zealand sea lions - demographic assessment of the cause of the decline at the Auckland Islands. Jim Roberts (NIWA).
- POP2013-04 Black petrel population project. Biz Bell (WMIL).
- INT2013-02 Identification of seabirds captured in New Zealand fisheries. Biz Bell (WMIL).
CSP Technical Working Group meeting
17 April 2014
Meeting held at Conservation House, 18-32 Manners St, Wellington.
Chair: Ian Angus, DOC
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 129K)
Minutes: Meeting minutes (PDF, 1,720K)
CSP TWG presentations
- POP-2013-01 New Zealand sea lion population project (Auckland Islands) - Ground count. Simon Childerhouse (Blue Planet Marine).
- MIT2012-02 Review of mitigation techniques in setnet fisheries. Simon Childerhouse (Blue Planet Marine).
- POP-2012-06. Salvin's albatross - aerial population estimate and at-sea distribution. Barry Baker (Latitude 42).
- POP-2013-02. White-capped albatross population estimate (Auckland Islands). Barry Baker (Latitude 42).
CSP Research Advisory Group meeting
11 March 2014
Note: The Ministry for Primary Industries will be presenting their aquatic environment projects for 2014/2015 prior to the CSP RAG from 9:00 am - 12:30 pm at DOC's national office to facilitate attendance for those interested in attending both meetings. Lunch will be provided.
Conservation House, 18-32 Manners St, Wellington.
Chair: Dean Peterson
DOC lead: Ian Angus
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 149K)
Minutes: Meeting minutes (PDF, 1,074K)
CSP research summary reports
*Note that the following two reports are still in draft form, but have been updated to include the fisheries observer report summary data tables, and method of interaction data tables.
Background information
The following additional comments were received:
CSP project update
6 March 2014
This report provides preliminary data on the New Zealand sea lion pup production at the Auckland Islands 2014, as part of project POP2013-01 New Zealand sea lion population project 2014.
A report on the full findings from the ground survey will be presented to the CSP Technical Working Group for reviews in early April (meeting details still to be finalised).
The Minister of Conservation and Minister for Primary Industries have announced that a threat management plan will be established for the NZ sea lion. The process and timeline for establishing the threat management plan will be announced on the DOC website in coming weeks. Get more information.
Joint MPI AEWG/CSP Technical Working Group
10 February 2014
Ministry for Primary Industries, The Terrace, Wellington.
- Chair (CSP TWG): Ian Angus
- Chair (MPI AEWG): Martin Cryer
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 17K)
Minutes: Meeting minutes (PDF, 560K)
CSP TWG presentations
- MIT2011-01 Survival and depth distribution of spinetail devil rays released from purse-seine catches. Malcolm Francis (NIWA).
Reports tabled
The following additional comments were received: