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CSP Research Advisory Group meeeting
3 December 2013
Conservation House, 18-32 Manners St, Wellington.
Chair: Dean Peterson
DOC lead: Ian Angus
Terms of Reference: CSP RAG Terms of Reference (PDF, 55K)
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 44K)
Minutes: Meeting minutes (PDF, 72K)
CSP Research Summary Reports
*Note that the following two reports are still in draft form
MPI Research Summary Reports
Background information
CSP Technical Working Group meeting
21 November 2013
Conservation House, 18-32 Manners St, Wellington.
Chair: Ian Angus, DOC
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 52K)
Minutes: Meeting minutes(PDF, 1120K)
CSP TWG presentations:
- MIT2012-04 Surface longline seabird mitigation. Progress report and recommendations for MIT2013-02. Johanna Pierre (Dragonfly).
- MIT2013-03 Characterisation of smaller vessel deep water bottom longline operations in relation to risk factors for seabird capture. Proposed methods. Johanna Pierre (Dragonfly).
- MIT2013-05 Development of bird baffler design for offshore vessels. Proposed methods. John Cleal (Clemens & Associates).
- MIT2013-01 Sea Trials of the Kellian line setter. Proposed methods. Barry Baker (Latitude 42).
- INT2013-04 Optimisation of observer data collection protocols. Proposed methods. Johanna Pierre (Dragonfly).
- POP2013-02 White-capped albatross population estimate (Auckland Islands)/POP2013-01 Aerial survey of New Zealand sea lions at the Auckland Islands. Proposed methods. Barry Baker (Latitude 42).
- Introduction of the Annual CSP Research Summary Reports. Kris Ramm & Katie Clemens (DOC)
Reports tabled:
CSP Technical Working Group meeting
1 August 2013
Conservation House, 18-32 Manners St, Wellington.
Chair: Ian Angus, DOC
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 26K)
Minutes: Meeting minutes (PDF, 99K)
CSP TWG presentations:
- POP2012-02 New Zealand sea lions - demographic assessment of the cause of decline at the Auckland Islands. Presentation of model options. Jim Roberts (NIWA).
Research planning for POP2013-01
- Presentation of options for field work component of POP2013-01 New Zealand sea lion population project (Auckland Islands). Igor Debski (DOC).
CSP TWG presentations (continued):
- POP2012-08 Pitt Island shags - foraging ecology. Draft final report. Mike Bell (WMIL).
- POP2011-07 Pied shag – population review. Draft final report. Mike Bell (WMIL).
- POP2012-03 Black petrel - at-sea distribution and population estimate. Draft final report. Biz Bell (WMIL).
- INT2010-02. Seabird identification. Six monthly update Jul-Dec 2012. Draft results. Biz Bell (WMIL).
- For information, Southern royal albatross at Enderby Island - analysis of aerial photographs. Barry Baker (Latitude 42).
CSP Technical Working Group
31 July 2013
Ministry for Primary Industries, The Terrace, Wellington.
Note: this is a joint meeting with the Ministry for Primary Industries Aquatic Environment Working Group (AEWG).
- Chair (AEWG): Martin Cryer
- Chair (CSP TWG): Ian Angus
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 44K)
Minutes: Meeting minutes (PDF, 78K)
Order of presentations:
- Project PRO2010/01: Estimates of captures of seabirds in commercial fisheries in the 2011/12 fishing year:
Presentation of available data by Ed Abraham
Presentation of modelling methods and results by Yvan Richard. - For information, outline and progress in the MBIE-funded project on Threatened Marine Megafauna: Presentation by David Thompson.
- POP2012-06 Salvin's albatross – Bounty Islands population review. Draft results. Paul Sagar (NIWA).
- POP2012-04 Campbell and grey-headed albatross population estimates. Progress report. Paul Sagar (NIWA).
- For information, Buller’s albatross demography and tracking at The Snares. Progress report. Paul Sagar (NIWA).
- MIT2011-03 and MIT2012-01 Inshore bottom longline seabird mitigation. Draft results. Dave Goad (Vita Maris) and Johanna Pierre (Dragonfly).
- MIT2012-05 Protected species bycatch newsletter. 2012/13 annual review. Johanna Pierre (JPEC).
CSP Technical Working Group meeting
5 June 2013
The Terrace Convention Center, 114 The Terrace, Wellington
Chair: Ian Angus
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 65K)
Minutes: Meeting minutes (PDF, 93K)
CSP presentations:
- POP2012-01. New Zealand sea lions – Auckland Islands aerial survey. Draft results. Barry Baker (Latitude 42).
- POP2012-05. White-capped albatross – Auckland Islands population study. Draft aerial count results. Barry Baker (Latitude 42).
- POP2012-07. Gibson’s albatross – population study. Draft results. Kath Walker and Graeme Elliott (Albatross Research).
- POP2011-09. Northern royal albatross – analysis of population data from Taiaroa Head. Draft results. Yvan Richard (Dragonfly Ltd).
- MIT2011-04. Inshore bottom longline mitigation – development of Kellian device. Draft results. Barry Baker (Latitude 42).
- MIT2011-02. Scampi trawl – seabird mitigation. Draft results. Johanna Pierre (Dragonfly Ltd).
Report tabled:
CSP-MPI research planning meeting
22 March 2013
Meeting to present protected species research proposals for 2013/14. This presentation was planned prior to formal consultation on the draft CSP Annual Plan 2013/14 and through the cost recovery processes, to allow early engagement with stakeholders.
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 102K)
Minutes: Meeting minutes (PDF, 114K)
On 22 March 2013 there was a joint CSP-Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI)
Relevant documents:
CSP project update
14 March 2013
The review period for the draft final report for project MIT2011-07 Warp strike mitigation devices in use on trawlers > 28 m in length operating in New Zealand fisheries is now closed.
View the final project report: Warp strike mitigation devices in New Zealand fisheries.
CSP Technical Working Group
7 March 2013
Conservation House, 18-32 Manners St, Wellington.
Note: A meeting of the Ministry for Primary Industries Aquatic Environment Working Group (AEWG) was held alongside this meeting.
- Chair (CSP TWG): Ian Angus
- Chair (AEWG): Martin Cryer
Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 90K)
Minutes: Meeting minutes (PDF, 91K)
- POP2012-02. New Zealand sea lions – demographic assessment of the cause of decline at the Auckland Islands. Presentation of data summary and proposed methodology. Ian Doonan (NIWA).
- POP2012-01. New Zealand sea lions – Auckland Islands population study. Draft ground count results. Simon Childerhouse (BPM).
- MIT2012-03. Review of mitigation techniques in setnet fisheries. Draft results. Simon Childerhouse (BPM).
- CSP Observer Programme. Options for future protocol for return of seabirds for necropsy. Kris Ramm (DOC).
- Marine mammal risk assessment: List of populations and proposed methodology. Edward Abraham (Dragonfly).
- Protected species capture data for the 2011-12 fishing year. Edward Abraham (Dragonfly).