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2013 CSP meetings and project updates


Find the agenda, minutes, reports and presentations for the 2013 meetings of the Conservation Services Programme.

Get information on this page about these 2013 meetings:

CSP Research Advisory Group meeeting

3 December 2013

Conservation House, 18-32 Manners St, Wellington.

Chair: Dean Peterson

DOC lead: Ian Angus 

Terms of Reference: CSP RAG Terms of Reference (PDF, 55K) 

Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 44K)

Minutes: Meeting minutes (PDF, 72K)

CSP Research Summary Reports

*Note that the following two reports are still in draft form

MPI Research Summary Reports

Background information


CSP Technical Working Group meeting

21 November 2013

Conservation House, 18-32 Manners St, Wellington.

Chair: Ian Angus, DOC

AgendaAgenda (PDF, 52K) 

Minutes: Meeting minutes(PDF, 1120K)

CSP TWG presentations:

  • MIT2012-04 Surface longline seabird mitigation. Progress report and recommendations for MIT2013-02. Johanna Pierre (Dragonfly).
  • MIT2013-03 Characterisation of smaller vessel deep water bottom longline operations in relation to risk factors for seabird capture. Proposed methods. Johanna Pierre (Dragonfly). 
  • MIT2013-05 Development of bird baffler design for offshore vessels. Proposed methods. John Cleal (Clemens & Associates).
  • MIT2013-01 Sea Trials of the Kellian line setter. Proposed methods. Barry Baker (Latitude 42).
  • INT2013-04 Optimisation of observer data collection protocols. Proposed methods. Johanna Pierre (Dragonfly).
  • POP2013-02 White-capped albatross population estimate (Auckland Islands)/POP2013-01 Aerial survey of New Zealand sea lions at the Auckland Islands. Proposed methods. Barry Baker (Latitude 42).
  • Introduction of the Annual CSP Research Summary Reports. Kris Ramm & Katie Clemens (DOC)

Reports tabled:

CSP Technical Working Group meeting

1 August 2013

Conservation House, 18-32 Manners St, Wellington.

Chair: Ian Angus, DOC

Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 26K)

Minutes: Meeting minutes (PDF, 99K)

CSP TWG presentations:

Research planning for POP2013-01

  • Presentation of options for field work component of POP2013-01 New Zealand sea lion population project (Auckland Islands). Igor Debski (DOC).

CSP TWG presentations (continued):

CSP Technical Working Group

31 July 2013

Ministry for Primary Industries, The Terrace, Wellington.

Note: this is a joint meeting with the Ministry for Primary Industries Aquatic Environment Working Group (AEWG).


  • Chair (AEWG): Martin Cryer
  • Chair (CSP TWG): Ian Angus 

Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 44K)

Minutes: Meeting minutes (PDF, 78K)

Order of presentations:


  • Project PRO2010/01: Estimates of captures of seabirds in commercial fisheries in the 2011/12 fishing year:
    Presentation of available data by Ed Abraham
    Presentation of modelling methods and results by Yvan Richard.
  • For information, outline and progress in the MBIE-funded project on Threatened Marine Megafauna: Presentation by David Thompson.


CSP Technical Working Group meeting

5 June 2013

The Terrace Convention Center, 114 The Terrace, Wellington

Chair: Ian Angus

Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 65K)

Minutes: Meeting minutes (PDF, 93K)

CSP presentations:






Report tabled:

CSP-MPI research planning meeting

22 March 2013

Meeting to present protected species research proposals for 2013/14. This presentation was planned prior to formal consultation on the draft CSP Annual Plan 2013/14 and through the cost recovery processes, to allow early engagement with stakeholders. 

Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 102K)

Minutes: Meeting minutes (PDF, 114K)

On 22 March 2013 there was a joint CSP-Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) 

Relevant documents:

CSP project update

14 March 2013

The review period for the draft final report for project MIT2011-07 Warp strike mitigation devices in use on trawlers > 28 m in length operating in New Zealand fisheries is now closed.

View the final project report: Warp strike mitigation devices in New Zealand fisheries.

CSP Technical Working Group

7 March 2013

Conservation House, 18-32 Manners St, Wellington.

Note: A meeting of the Ministry for Primary Industries Aquatic Environment Working Group (AEWG) was held alongside this meeting.


  • Chair (CSP TWG): Ian Angus
  • Chair (AEWG): Martin Cryer

Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 90K)

Minutes: Meeting minutes (PDF, 91K)




  • Marine mammal risk assessment: List of populations and proposed methodology. Edward Abraham (Dragonfly).
  • Protected species capture data for the 2011-12 fishing year. Edward Abraham (Dragonfly).