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2012 CSP meetings and project updates


Find the agenda, minutes, reports and presentations for the 2012 meetings of the Conservation Services Programme.

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CSP Technical Working Group

27 November 2012

Meeting held at Perrett's Corner Board Room, Manners Street, Wellington.

Chair: Ian Angus, DOC

Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 32K)

Minutes: Draft meeting minutes (PDF, 80K)


  • INT2010-02. Identification of seabirds captured in New Zealand fisheries. Draft final report 2011-12. Biz Bell (WMIL).
  • POP2012-03. Black petrel – at-sea distribution and population estimate. Update on proposed methods. Biz Bell (WMIL).
  • POP2011-06. Protected coral distribution and overlap with commercial fishing. Draft final report. Di Tracey and Suze Baird (NIWA).
  • MIT2011-01 (Specific Objectives 1 and 2). Review of methods to mitigate the capture of protected rays in commercial purse seine fisheries. Malcolm Francis (NIWA).
  • POP2011-03 Protected fish – review of interactions and populations. Draft final report. Malcolm Francis (NIWA).
  • POP2011-04 Basking shark bycatch review. Draft final report. Malcolm Francis (NIWA).
  • INT2010-01. Observing commercial fisheries. Draft final report 2010-11. Kris Ramm (DOC).
  • MIT2012-01, -02, -04. Seabird mitigation projects. Update on proposed methodology. Johanna Pierre (Dragonfly).

CSP Technical Working Group

13 November 2012

Meeting held at Level 4 Conference Room, Conservation House, 18-32 Manners Street, Wellington.

Chair: Mike Davies, DOC

Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 32K)

Minutes: Draft meeting minutes (PDF, 107K).


  1. POP2012-01. New Zealand sea lions – Auckland Islands population study. Proposed ground survey methodology for 2012/13. Simon Childerhouse (Blue Planet Marine).
  2. POP2012-01 New Zealand sea lions – Auckland Islands population study. Proposed aerial survey methodology for 2012/13 field season. Barry Baker (Latitude 42).
  3. POP2011-01 New Zealand sea lions – Auckland Islands population study. Draft sea lion database. Finlay Thompson (Dragonfly).
  4. Variation in abundance of NZ sea lion prey species over the Campbell Plateau: evidence from commercial fishery and survey catch and effort data. Jim Roberts (NIWA).
    Note: this is a NIWA project seeking feedback from the TWG.
  5. POP2012-05 White-capped albatross – population estimate (Auckland Islands). Proposed methodology. Barry Baker (Latitude 42).
  6. POP2011-02 Flesh-footed shearwater – population study. Draft report for 2011/12 field season and update on methodology for 2012/13. Susan Waugh (Te Papa).
  7. MIT2012-03 Review of mitigation techniques in setnet fisheries. Proposed methodology. Simon Childerhouse (Blue Planet Marine).

CSP Technical Working Group

28 May 2012

Meeting held at Level 4 Conference Room, Conservation House, 18-32 Manners Street, Wellington.

Chair: Russell Harding, DOC

Agenda: Agenda (PDF, 33K)



  1. POP2011-01. New Zealand sea lions – Auckland Islands population study. 2011/12 field season report. Louise Chilvers (DOC).
  2. Aerial survey of New Zealand sea lions at the Auckland Islands. Report on trial of aerial methodology for estimating pup production. A joint DOC/MPI/DWG project. Barry Baker (Latitude 42).
  3. POP2011-01. New Zealand sea lions – Auckland Islands population study. Sea lion database update – draft schema. Finlay Thompson (Dragonfly).
  4. MIT2011-04. Inshore bottom longline - novel methods to reduce availability of hooks to seabirds. Project update. Barry Baker (Latitude 42)
  5. MIT2011-05 Protected species bycatch newsletter. Project evaluation report. Johanna Pierre (JPEC).
  6. INT2010-02. Identification of seabirds captured in New Zealand fisheries. Six monthly report for 1 July 2011 – 31 Dec 2011. Mike Bell (WMIL).
  7. POP2011-08. Yellow-eyed penguin – review of population information. Draft results. Ursula Ellenberg (Eudyptes Ecoconsulting).
  8. MCSPOP2010-02. Investigation of poorly known protected species: census of Chatham Island and Pitt Island shags 2011. Mike Bell (WMIL), Igor Debski (DOC).
  9. INT 2011-02 Protected species interactions with commercial pot and trap fishing methods in New Zealand. Results on shag-potting interactions at the Chatham Islands. Mike Bell (WMIL).
  10. POP2011-07. Pied shag – population review and estimation. Initial results. Mike Bell (WMIL).