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CSP Research Advisory Group resources


Access resources for the Conservation Services Programme Research Advisory Group.

The Research Advisory Group (RAG) meets annually and plays an important role in the annual research planning process. A wide range of stakeholders attend these meetings and input into reviewing research outputs to date, identifying research gaps and the submission and refinement of research proposals. 

From this process a CSP annual plan is developed and released for public consultation. This covers all research to be conducted by CSP in the coming year.

CSP Strategic Statement

This provides guidance for the DOC’s administration of the Conservation Services Programme (CSP).

CSP Strategic Statement (PDF, 341K)

CSP Research Advisory Group Terms of Reference

CSP RAG Terms of Reference (PDF, 55K)

CSP Research Proposals 

Here is a repository of research proposals that we will draw from when planning and prioritising for the CSP Annual Plan: CSP Research Proposals Database (Excel, 32K) 

If you would like to propose a research idea to be considered for inclusion in the next CSP Annual Plan, please complete the CSP Research Submission Form (Word, 40K) and send it to

CSP Research Advisory Group meetings 

CSP research summary reports

Medium term research plans

Fisheries New Zealand research summary reports

Annual research conducted by Fisheries NZ is best shown in the aquatic environment and biodiversity annual reviews (AEBAR)