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Northern royal albatross CSP reports


Read all CSP reports on Northern royal albatross.

Chatham Islands seabird population research 2024

Read more about seabird population research on the Chatham Islands in 2024. Published April 2024.

Nesting success of Northern Royal Albatross on the Chatham Islands: 2022-23 Breeding season

Read more about the aerial census of Northern Royal Albatross in the Chatham Islands during the 2022-23 breeding season.This report was prepared by Peter Frost and is supplementary to POP2021-03 Seabird population research: Chatham Islands. It covers an aerial census of the northern royal albatross in the 2022-23 breeding season, involving photographs taken from a fixed wing aircraft. Both breeding adults and nearly fledged chicks were counted from the three Chatham Island colonies. The report also compares aerial counts with ground counts and drone imagery taken on Motuhara around the same time. Published April 2024.

Albatross research on the Chatham Islands 2023

The following reports summarise a collation of new work undertaken on the Chatham Islands supported by a mixture of Conservation Services Programme funding (CSP projects POP2022-05 Northern Buller’s albatross population monitoring and POP2022-06 Northern royal albatross population monitoring), core DOC seabird funds and from private funding to Toroa Consulting Ltd. Published August 2023.

Northern Royal Albatross nesting on the Chatham Islands, February 2022

Read more about the aerial census of Northern Royal Albatross in the Chatham Islands in February 2022. This report was prepared by Peter Frost and is supplementary to POP2021-03 Seabird population research: Chatham Islands. It is an aerial census of the northern royal albatross, involving photographs taken from a fixed wing aircraft and counted, and comparison of plots on Motuhara with ground counts and drone imagery. Published September 2022.

Aerial Census of northern royal albatross fledglings on The Sisters and Forty-Fours

This report presents a summary of the aerial census of Northern royal albatross (Diomedea sanfordi) fledglings on Rangitatahi (The Sisters) and Motuhara (Forty-Fours), July 2017. This report was prepared for Marine Species and Threats team, Department of Conservation and did not form a part of the Conservation Services Programme. Published January 2018.

Northern royal albatross aerial population census, Chatham Islands 2020

These are the final reports for Northern royal albatross aerial population census, Chatham Islands 2020. Published 2021.

Chatham Island Seabird Population Research 2016/17

These are the final reports for POP2016-01 on Chatham Island Seabird Population Research 2016/17. Published February 2017.

Seabird population research Chatham Islands, aerial survey 2016/17

This is the final report for POP2016-01 on seabird population research, Chatham Islands aerial photographic survey 2016/17. Published August 2017.

Seabird population census on the Forty-Fours, 2016

Read about the population census for Northern Buller's mollymawk, Northern royal albatross and Northern giant petrel at the Forty-Fours, Chatham Islands 2016. Published August 2017.