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2008/2009 CSP reports


CSP reports from July 2008 to June 2009

Conservation Services Programme observer report: 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009

Find out about the interactions between protected species and fisheries between 01 July 2008 and 30 June 2009. Published 2010.

Identification of protected corals 2008/09

This report summarises work undertaken to identify coral samples collected by observers on commercial fishing vessels over the 2008/09 fishing year. Published 2010.

Autopsy report for seabirds killed and returned from New Zealand fisheries, 1 October 2008 to 30 September 2009

Published report on the identification and autopsy of seabirds captured in New Zealand fisheries in the 2008/09 fishing year. Published 2010.

Estimation of demographic parameters for NZ sea lions breeding on the Auckland Islands – 1997/98–2008/09

This report provides an update on the estimation of demographic parameters for New Zealand sea lions breeding on the Auckland Islands from data collected up to the 2008/09 field season. Published 2010.

A population and distributional study of white-capped albatross Auckland Islands 2008-09

This report summarises work undertaken during the 2008-09 breeding season as part of the population and distributional study on white-capped albatross (Auckland Islands). Published 2009.

Mitigating incidental captures of fur seals in trawl fisheries

This is the final report for MIT2006/09: Mitigating incidental captures of fur seals in trawl fisheries. This report describes the development and testing of a seal exclusion device in the hoki fishery. Published 2009.

NZ sea lion monitoring at the Auckland Islands 2008/09

This report describes the results of ongoing population monitoring of New Zealand sea lions at the Auckland islands. This is the final report for the 2008/09 year.Published 2009,

Estimation of demographic parameters for NZ sea lions breeding on the Auckland Islands, 1998-2008

POP 2007/01 Objective 3 final report from data collected up to the 2007/8 field season. Published 2009.

Mitigating seabird net captures in trawl fisheries

This is the final report for MIT2006/02: summarising the knowledge of seabird interactions with trawl nets, discussions to identify mitigation measures and reports on field trials undertaken to assess the effectiveness of agreed mitigation options. Published 2009.