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2000 and earlier


CSP reports from 2000 and earlier

Inshore fishery observer programme for Hector's dolphins in Pegasus Bay, Canterbury Bight, 1997/98

This is the final report for CSL contract 3020 on the Inshore fishery observer programme for Hector's dolphins in Pegasus Bay, Canterbury Bight, 1997/98. Published 2000.

Reactions of Hector's dolphins to acoustic gillnet pingers

This is the final report for CSL contract 3071 on Reactions of Hector's dolphins to acoustic gillnet pingers. Published 2000.

Estimation of Hector's dolphin bycatch from inshore fisheries 1997/98

This is the final report for CSL contract 3024 on the estimation of Hector's dolphin bycatch from inshore fisheries 1997/98. Published 2000.

Line-transect survey of Hector's dolphin abundance between Motunau and Timaru

This is the final report for CSL contract 3072 on the line-transect survey of Hector's dolphin abundance between Motunau and Timaru. Published 2000.

Survey and monitoring of black petrels on Great Barrier Island 1997-2000

These are the final reports for CSL contracts 3085, 3018 and 3089 on surveying and monitoring of black petrels on Great Barrier Island 1997-2000. Published 2000.