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Utilisation of the marine habitat by hoiho/yellow-eyed penguins from Rakiura/Stewart Island


This is the final report for POP2020-05: Hoiho tracking Rakiura/Stewart Island. Published April 2022.

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POP2020-05: Utilisation of the marine habitat by hoiho/yellow-eyed penguins from Rakiura/Stewart Island (PDF, 4,156 K)


Between November 2020 and July 2021, foraging of hoiho/yellow-eyed penguins from three different breeding locations on and around Rakiura/Stewart Island was studied using GPS dive loggers, satellite trackers, and animal-borne cameras to establish the penguins’ utilisation of their local marine habitats. The sites ranged from southern Rakiura (Port Pegasus/Pikihatiti), the Bravo Island Group in Paterson Inlet/Whaka a Te Wera, to Whenua Hou/Codfish Island where penguins have access to the Foveaux Strait.

With most of the terrestrial threats the species faces on the New Zealand mainland virtually absent on Rakiura, the impact of fisheries is likely the most important factor besides climate change contributing to population declines. Set net fisheries, which unlike on the mainland are allowed to operate directly inshore are the greatest threat for Rakiura hoiho.

This study provides decision makers with the information required to adequately address this issue and, thus, follow the strategies outlined in Te Kaweka Takohaka mō te Hoiho.

Publication information

Mattern, T. & Ellenberg, U. 2022. Utilisation of the marine habitat by hoiho/yellow-eyed penguins from Rakiura/Stewart Island. Final report for POP2020-05, prepared by Eudyptes Consulting for the Conservation Services Programme, Department of Conservation. 45 p.