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2020/21 Conservation Services Programme Reports


Conservation Services Programme reports from July 2020 to June 2021.

2020-21 Annual Research Summary

This report outlines the research carried out through the Conservation Services Programme Annual Plan 2020-21, and provides updates on multi-year projects started in previous years. Published 2023.

Antipodean albatross spatial distribution and fisheries overlap 2020

Read the final report on antipodean albatross spatial distribution and fisheries overlap 2020. Published 2021.

Capture of protected species in New Zealand recreational marine fisheries

This is the final report for BCBC2019-07a: Capture of protected species in New Zealand recreational marine fisheries. Published 2021.

Determining the diet of New Zealand king shag using DNA metabarcoding

This is the final report for one component of BCBC2019-05: Understanding potential interactions and indirect effects between commercial fisheries and New Zealand king shag foraging activity, diets and population trends. Published 2021.

Development of an adaptive management tool for line setting

This is the final report for MIT2018-03: Setting mitigation for small longline vessels. Published 2021.

Drivers for fisher uptake of seabird bycatch mitigation in the surface longline fishery

This is the final report for BCBC2020-11d: Drivers for fisher uptake of seabird bycatch mitigation in the surface longline fishery. Published 2022.

Exploring the drivers of spatial distributions of basking sharks in New Zealand waters

This is the final report for POP2020-03: Exploring the drivers of spatial distributions of basking sharks in New Zealand waters. Published 2021.

Fish shoal dynamics in north-eastern New Zealand

This is the final report for POP2019-02: Fish shoal dynamics in north-eastern New Zealand. Published 2021.

Flesh-footed shearwater population monitoring 2020/21

This is the final annual report for POP2018-04: Flesh-footed shearwater population monitoring 2020/21. Published 2020.

Grey petrel population estimate methodology, Antipodes Island

This is the final report for POP2020-04: Grey petrel population estimate methodology, Antipodes Island. Published 2021.

Hauling mitigation for small longline vessels

This is the final report for MIT2018-02: Hauling mitigation for small longline vessels. Published 2021.

Hoiho/ yellow-eyed penguin population and tracking

This is the final report for POP2018-02: Hoiho population and tracking project. Published 2021.

Identification and storage of cold-water coral bycatch 1 July 2020- 30 June 2021

This is the final annual report for INT2019-04: Identification and storage of cold-water coral bycatch.

Identification of marine mammals captured in NZ fisheries 2020/21

This the annual report for INT2020-02 Identification of marine mammals captured in New Zealand fisheries in 2020/21 (1 July 2020 - 30 June 2021).

Identification of seabirds captured in New Zealand fisheries 1 July 2020- 30 June 2021

This is the final annual report for INT2019-02: Identification of seabirds captured in New Zealand fisheries, 1 July 2020- 30 June 2021.

Integrated population model of Antipodean albatross for simulating management scenarios

This is the final report for BCBC2020-09: Integrated population model of Antipodean albatross for simulating management scenarios. Published 2021.

Liaison Programme annual report - 2020-21 fishing year

This report summarises the outcomes of the Conservation Services Liaison Programme for the 2020-21 fishing year (1 Oct 2020 – 30 Sept 2021), including a summary of the inshore and HMS fleets’ adherence to Protected Species Risk Management Plans.

Lighting adjustments to mitigate against fishing vessel deck strikes/ vessel impacts

This is the final report for MIT2019-03: Lighting adjustments to mitigate against fishing vessel deck strikes/ vessel impacts. Published 2021.

Longline sink rate verification

This is the final report for BCBC2020-11c: Longline sink rate verification. Published 2021.

Mitigation gaps analysis towards reducing protected species bycatch

This is the final report for MIT2020-03: Mitigation gaps analysis towards reducing protected species bycatch. Published 2021.

Northern royal albatross aerial population census, Chatham Islands 2020

These are the final reports for Northern royal albatross aerial population census, Chatham Islands 2020. Published 2021.

Occurrence of prey species identified from remains in regurgitated pellets collected from king shags 2019-20

This is the final report for one component of BCBC2019-05: Understanding potential interactions and indirect effects between commercial fisheries and NZ king shag foraging activity, diets and population trends. Published 2021.

Otago and Foveaux shags population census trials

This is the final report for BCBC2020-24: Otago and Foveaux shags colony surveys. Published 2021.

Salvin’s albatross breeding success and phenology assessment

This is the final report for BCBC2020-27: Salvin’s albatross breeding success and phenology assessment. Published 2021.

Spatial and temporal patterns in the diet of New Zealand king shag

This is the final report for one component of BCBC2020-05: Understanding potential interactions and indirect effects between commercial fisheries and New Zealand king shag foraging activity, diets and population trends. Published 2021.