
This is the workshop report on Hoiho (Yellow-eyed penguin) foraging and indirect effects research presented to the CSP Technical Working Group. Published August 2018.

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POP2016-05: Hoiho (Yellow-eyed penguin) foraging and indirect effects: Workshop Report (PDF, 2,523K)


On the 28 May 2018, DOC hosted a full-day workshop that brought together research providers (scientists with experience relevant to hoiho, local benthic habitat, fish stocks etc), Fisheries New Zealand fisheries managers and fishing industry representative with knowledge of fishing activities within hoiho habitat.

The objectives for the workshop were as follows:

  • To identify mechanisms through which commercial fishing may be indirectly impacting hoiho mainland populations. These indirect effects may include, but are not limited to, benthic habitat modification, food web changes influencing prey availability and competition for prey.
  • To identify particular fisheries, fishing methods and areas that, based on current information, have a high likelihood of posing adverse indirect effects on hoiho.
  • To provide recommendations for management options for fisheries identified as having a high likelihood of posing adverse indirect effects, appropriate to eliminating or mitigating the effects.
  • Where current information limits our understanding of how particular fisheries are indirectly affecting mainland hoiho, provide recommendations for future priority research to allow the assessment of need for management responses, and the development of appropriate management options.

This report summarises the material presented at the workshop, as well as potential management options and research recommendations. Comments on this report were sought via CSP stakeholders and taken into consideration. 

Publication information

Weir, J. 2018. Hoiho (Yellow-eyed penguin) foraging and indirect effects: Expert workshop- Research and management priorities for fisheries impacts. Workshop Report for the Conservation Services Programme, Department of Conservation. 12 p.

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