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2014/15 Conservation Services Programme reports


Conservation Services Programme reports from July 2014 to June 2015.

2014-15 Annual research summary

This report outlines the research carried out through the Conservation Services Programme Annual Plan 2014/15, and provides updates on multi-year projects started in previous years. Published April 2016.

Gibson's wandering albatross, methods to estimate population size

Read two reports that look at census techniques for estimating the population size of Gibson's wandering albatross. Published June & August 2015.

Identification of seabirds captured in NZ fisheries, 2014/15

Read about the identification of seabirds captured in NZ fisheries for the 2014/15 year (1 July 2014 - 30 June 2015). Published October 2015.

White-chinned petrel population estimate, Disappointment Island

Read about a 2015 population estimate of white-chinned petrels on Disappointment Island in the Auckland Islands. Published December 2015.

Mark-recapture sample size effects on demographic rate estimation of white-capped albatross

Read about the white-capped albatross mark recapture sample size analysis for Disappointment Island. Published November 2015.

Burrowing petrel population size estimate, a literature review

A literature review of methods for estimating population size of burrowing petrels based on extrapolations from surveys. Published July 2015.

Survey and monitoring of black petrels on Great Barrier Island and Little Barrier Island 2014/15

Read the reports on the black petrel studies on Great Barrier Island (Aotea Island) and Little Barrier Island in 2014/15. Published September 2015.

Improving and documenting seabird bycatch mitigation practices in the North Eastern New Zealand longline fishery

Read about the seabird liaison officer assisting the North East coast longline fleets in reducing their risk to seabirds. Published July 2015.

Gibson's wandering albatross population study 2014/15

Report on population data on Gibson’s wandering albatross on Adams Island during summer 2014-15. Published June 2015.

NZ sea lion monitoring at the Auckland Islands 2014/15

This report describes the results of ongoing population monitoring of New Zealand sea lions at the Auckland islands. This is the final report for the 2014/15 year. Published July 2015.

Population study of Southern Buller's albatrosses on The Snares

Summary of demographic data at three study colonies of Southern Buller's Albatross breeding at The Snares from 23-29 March 2015. Published July 2015.

Protected species bycatch newsletter - Bycatch Bylines 2014/15

Annual update on the protected species bycatch newsletter which is half way through its term. Published June 2015.

Aerial survey of Salvin's albatross at The Snares, Western Chain 2014

Report on results and efficacy of an aerial survey of Salvin's albatross population size at The Snares Western Chain in 2014. Published 2015.

Salvin's albatross population size and survival at The Snares Western Chain

Report on results from a study on population, survival, and other demographic parameters of Salvin's albatross at The Snares. Published November 2014.

White-capped albatross aerial survey 2015

This report describes the results from the aerial survey in 2014/15 to investigate the population size and trend of white-capped albatross at the Auckland Islands. Published June 2015.

Improving tori line performance in small vessel longline fisheries

Read about the development of improved tori lines which are specifically optimised for safe and effective use on small longline vessels. Published July 2016.

Phylogenic affinities of New Zealand white-chinned petrels

Read about the phylogenetic affinities of New Zealand white-chinned petrels and questions for conservation management. Published July 2016.