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2013/14 Conservation Services Programme reports


Conservation Services Programme reports from July 2013 to June 2014.

2013-14 Annual Research Summary

This report outlines the research carried out through the Conservation Services Programme Annual Plan 2013/14, and provides updates on multi-year projects started in previous years. Published February 2016.

Identification of seabirds captured in NZ fisheries, 2013/14

Read about the identification of seabirds captured in NZ fisheries for the 2013/14 year (1 July 2013 - 30 June 2014). Published May 2015.

Survival and depth distribution of spinetail devilrays released from purse-seine catches

This study aimed to assess the fate of live released spinetail devilrays captured in commercial purse seine fisheries, and to describe their spatial and vertical behaviour. Published February 2014.

Assessment of cryptic seabird mortality due to trawl warps and longlines

This report studies the seabird species and fisheries for which cryptic mortality contributes particularly strongly to the risk on New Zealand seabird populations. Published May 2015.

Optimisation of protocols employed by New Zealand government fisheries observers for protected species data collection

This report reviews the strategic framework that generates information needs that may be addressed by fisheries observers and evaluates current observer data collection protocols in that context. Published February 2015.

Pilot ecological risk assessment for protected corals

This report describes the results of a preliminary assessment of the relative risk to protected coral species from deepwater bottom trawling. Published December 2014.

Protected coral distribution modelling 2014

This report describes the results of the refined habitat suitability modelling for protected coral species in the New Zealand EEZ. Published December 2014.

Salvin's albatross research - aerial survey 2013

This report describes the results from aerial surveys in 2010 and 2013 to investigate the population size and trend of Salvin's albatross at the Bounty Islands. Published July 2014.

Protected species bycatch newsletter - Bycatch Bylines 2013/14

Read about Bycatch Bylines, a newsletter that was produced to communicate protected species-related information to trawl and longline fishermen. Published August 2014.

Salvin's albatross at-sea distribution 2012-13 report

This report describes the final results of a two-year study on the at-sea distribution of Salvin's albatrosses at the Bounty Islands. Published November 2014.

Flesh-footed shearwater research - population study and foraging areas

This report describes the findings of a three-year study on the flesh-footed shearwater population monitoring and at-sea distribution in New Zealand. Published August 2014.

Gibson's albatross research - Adams Island 2014

This report describes the results of continued population monitoring of Gibson's albatross at Adams Island, Auckland Islands, undertaken in early 2014. Published September 2014.

Survey and monitoring of black petrels on Great Barrier Island 2013/14

This report describes the results of continued population monitoring of black petrels at Great Barrier Island, undertaken during the 2013/2014 breeding season.

NZ sea lion monitoring at the Auckland Islands 2013/14

This report describes the results of ongoing population monitoring of New Zealand sea lions at the Auckland islands. This is the final report for the 2013/14 year. Published October 2014/

Demographic assessment of population decline in NZ sea lions at the Auckland Islands

A demographic and correlative assessment was conducted in 2014 of female New Zealand sea lions, aimed at identifying the causes of population change of New Zealand sea lion populations at the Auckland Islands. Published October 2014.

Characterisation of smaller vessel deepwater bottom-longline operations

This report describes the results of the characterisation of the smaller vessel deep water bottom longline fishery with respect to factors relating to seabird capture. Published December 2014.

White-capped albatross population estimate 2014

The report describes the results from the aerial survey in 2013/14 to investigate the population size and trend of white-capped albatross at the Auckland Islands. Published December 2014.

Review of commercial fishery interactions and population information for the oceanic whitetip shark

This study documents and describes its interactions with commercial fisheries in New Zealand waters, and locates and describes the available population information relevant to assessing the risk to this species. Published June 2014.

Development of bird baffler designs for offshore trawl vessels

This paper reports on the development of a novel design for a bird baffler for use on deepwater trawlers. Published July 2016.

Kellian Line Setter Sea Trials

This is the final report for the Kellian line setter sea trials and replaces all previous and preliminary reports for it. Published September 2016.