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Citations for the Biodiversity and Inventory Monitoring Toolbox


Find out how to cite publications in DOC's Biodiversity and Inventory Monitoring Toolbox.

To cite publications we recommend the following protocols.

To cite the Toolbox 

Greene. T, McNutt. K (editors) 2012. Biodiversity Inventory and Monitoring Toolbox. Department of Conservation, Wellington, New Zealand

To cite specific documents and methods within the Toolbox 

Below is an example of how to cite a document:

Greene. T. 2012. A guideline to monitoring populations. Version 1.0. In Greene. T, McNutt. K (editors) 2012. Biodiversity Inventory and Monitoring Toolbox. Department of Conservation, Wellington, New Zealand

Below is an example of how to cite a method:

McNutt. K. 2012. Permanent 20x20 forest plots. Version 1.0. In Greene. T, McNutt. K (editors) 2012. Biodiversity Inventory and Monitoring Toolbox. Department of Conservation, Wellington, New Zealand