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Operational Report for Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou


View the Operational Report for the 2017/18 annual meeting with Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou. Published 2018.

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Operational Report for Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou (PDF, 1190K)


Ngati Porou has cultural, spiritual, traditional and historic associations with the land, waters and indigenous flora and fauna within the Ngati Porou Protocol Area and accept responsibility as kaitieki under tikanga Maori to preserve, protect and manage natural and historic resources.

Ngati Porou wishes to express the following four principles:

  1. Toitu te Mana Atua – Ngati Porou natural and historic resources are cared for, managed, and promoted in a manner that is consistent with Ngati Porou tikanga and will benefit future generations;
  2. Toitu te Mana Whenua – Ngati Porou natural and historic resources are actively cared for, managed, and promoted in a manner that respects their origins and connections to particular Ngati Porou whanau and hapu of Ngati Porou;
  3. Toitu te Mana Tangata – Ngati Porou natural and historic resources are accessed and utilized in a manner which is consistent with the tikanga of Ngati Porou whanau and hapu;
  4. Toitu te Tiriti o Waitangi – Consistent with the partnership principle underlying te tiriti o Waitangi, Ngati Porou and the Minister have entered into the Conservation Protocol in good faith and as equals. Ngati Porou and the Minister acknowledge that they are obliged to give effect to the Conservation Protocol and act in good faith, fairly, reasonable and honorably towards each other.

The Department of Conservation is the Crown agency responsible for managing and promoting conservation of natural and historic heritage of New Zealand on behalf of, and for the benefit of present and future New Zealanders.

Conservation Legislation must be interpreted and administered so as to give effect to the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi, to the extent that those principles are consistent with the Conservation Legislation.

As part of the Ngati Porou Claims Settlement Act, the Crown has issued a Conservation Protocol through the Minister of Conservation regarding Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou and the Department of Conservation. The Protocol sets out how Ngati Porou, the Minister, the Director-General, and the Department will work together to develop a positive, collaborative, and enduring relationship in good faith as Treaty partners.

Implementation of the Protocol includes arranging an Annual Business Meeting between the Department and Te Runanganui, at which the Department will present a synopsis of the Department's work programme (in the form of this report), as it relates to the Protocol Area for consideration and feedback.